

  关于类Pair的介绍,下面是引自《C++ Standard Library》的一段话:

  The class pair is provided to treat two values as a single unit. It is used in several places within the C++ standard library. In particular, the container classes map and multimap use pairs to manage their elements, which are key/value pairs (See Section 6.6). Another example of the usage of pairs is functions that return two values.


  The structure pair is defined in <utility> as follows:

namespace std
    template <class T1, class T2>
    struct pair
        //type names for the values
        typedef T1 first_type;
        typedef T2 second_type;

        T1 first;
        T2 second;

        /* default constructor
        * - T1 () and T2 () force initialization for built-in types
        pair(): first(T1()), second(T2())

        //constructor for two values
        pair(const T1& a, const T2& b): first(a), second(b)

        //copy constructor with implicit conversions
        template<class U, class V>
        pair(const pair<U,V>& p): first(p.first), second(p.second)

    template <class T1, class T2>
    bool operator== (const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);

    template <class T1, class T2>
    bool operator< (const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);

    //similar: !=, <=, >, >=

    //convenience function to create a pair
    template <class T1, class T2>
    pair<T1,T2> make_pair (const T1&, const T2&);

namespace std {
    template <class T1, class T2>
    bool operator== (const pair<T1,T2>& x, const pair<T1,T2>& y)
        return x.first == y.first && x.second == y.second;

    //similar: !=, <=, >, >=

    template <class T1, class T2>
    bool operator< (const pair<T1,T2>& x, const pair<T1,T2>& y)
        return x.first < y.first || (!(y.first < x.first) && x.second < y.second);

    //create value pair only by providing the values
    template <class T1, class T2>
    pair<Tl,T2> make_pair (const T1& x, const T2& y) {
        return pair<T1,T2>(x, y);


std::pair<int,float> p;    //initialize p. first and p.second with zero

void f(std::pair<int,const char*>);
void g(std::pair<const int.std::string>);
void foo
    std::pair<int,const char*> p(42,"hello");
    f(p);    //OK: calls built-in default copy constructor
    g(p);    //OK: calls template constructor

std::make_pair(42, ‘@‘); //or

void f(std::pair<int,const char*>);
void g(std::pair<const int,std::string>);

void foo {
    f(std::make_pair(42,"hello"));     //pass two values as pair
    g(std::make_pair(42,"hello"));     //pass two values as pair
                                        // with type conversions

//does not yield the same as

  The C++ standard library uses pairs a lot.

  For example, the map and multimap containers use pair as a type to manage their elements, which are key/value pairs. See Section 6.6, for a general description of maps and multimaps, and in particular page 91 for an example that shows the usage of type pair. Objects of type pair are also used inside the C++ standard library in functions that return two values (see page 183 for an example).

时间: 2025-01-05 20:11:50


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1.模版:一定要注意参数和返回值的模版 2.STL一系列的API:一定要注意返回值 3.容器中的都是值拷贝,而不是引用,在执行插入时,内部实行拷贝动作,所以STL中插入类时,一般都必须:无参构造函数,拷贝构造函数,重载=运算符,必须的自己重写,达到深拷贝!!! 4.一元谓词:函数只有一个参数,谓词:代表函数的返回值必须为bool类型;   二元谓词:函数只有二个参数,谓词:代表函数的返回值必须为bool类型; 5.算法和具体的数据类型相分离:通过函数对象(仿函数)来实现,本质:函数指针!!! 6