List of Productivity Windows Applications

class Application{    String name;    String developer;    Version version;    Date releaseDate;    double size;    double prize;}class WebBrower{    Application googleChrome;}class ProgrammingTool{    Application visualStudio;    Application intellijIdea;    Application cLion;    Application androidStudio;}class OfficeSoftware{    Application microsoftOffice;    Application foxitReader;}class MediaPlayer{    Application neteaseCloudMusic;    Application potPlayer;}class FileSyncronization{    Application googleDrive;}class ImageBurning{    Application ultraISO;    Application uNetBooting;}class ___Software{    Application p______;    Application l______;}class Uninstaller{    Application iobitUninstaller;}class Desktop{    Application fences;}class Dictionary{    Application haiciDictinary;}class DownloadingTools{    Application thunder9Lite;    Application internetDownloadManager;}class FileSearching{    Application searchEverything;}class Database{    Application microsoftSQLServer;    Application mySQL;}class VirtualMachine{    Application vmWareWorkstation;}
时间: 2024-12-22 14:50:46

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