The Linux Mint 18:Eclipse Run The C++ And Python ConfigorationWhen You achieve above step,you can run the c++ and python! (Next OTL ,PYOTL is Project That Write By Ruimin Shen(ability man) )

# Copyright (c) 2016, 付刘伟 (Liuwei Fu)
# All rights reserved.
# 转载请注明出处

1.Install The Eclipse,g++ Use The SynapTic Package Manager:

  Eclipse :you should select the eclipse and eclipse-cdt-qt


 g++:just select g++


2.Run The Eclipse By The Root Use The Command:



eclipse /*This Command Is Slow Than The First One*/


 Then:Run The Eclipse By The User;


3.Install The PyDev:

  Downloat The PyDev 3.5 Or Other Version (Suggest The High Version)

  Unzip The Then You Will Find Two Files:features and plugins

  Copy the files Under The features to the eclipse‘s features

  Copy The files Under The plugins to The eclipse‘s plugins

Change The Authority of the eclipse file use the command:

  sudo chmod -R 777 eclipse


The Path Of Eclipse Is :/usr/lib/eclipse

4.To Run The Eclipse By The Root You Will See The Module Of Pydev Is Installed;





Change the python version:click the Quick Auto-Config and select the python3.4 and remove the python2.7 ,python;just save a python3.4

Change the C++ edit path:

5.Use The SynapTic Package Manager To Install The Python3.5 (Maybe You Python Version Is Not 3.5) All Dev And Module :

python        python-all        python-dev        python3-all      python3-dev

python-scipy      python3-scipy      python-tk          python3-tk      python-qt4

python3-qt4      numpty          sqliteman          python-sqlite     python-tz

libboost-python-dev    libboost-python-dev   python-support      python3-tz      python3-matplotlib  

python-paramiko   python-pam      python-commandnotfound python3-smbc     python3-uno

python-gnome2   python-feedparser    python-dnspython     python-pyinotify   python3-tornado

python-opencv  libboost-mpi-python-dev  python-debtagshw     python3-brlapi

totem-plugins-extra  ubuntu-drivers-common

6.Install The Boost libraries:

  Download The Boost libraries

  Unzip The boost libraries

  In The Boost File Use The Command:





 ./b2 install


In The Normal Solution,Boost Will Be Success;

7.Install The Cmake use the SynapTic Package Manager ;

When You achieve above step,you can run the c++ and python!

(Next OTL ,PYOTL is Project That Write By Ruimin Shen(ability man) )

8.To Compile The OTL ,PYOTL Use The Cmake

  OTL:You Should Change The Path And Set  As Same As To me!,If Not Find The Path ,Maybe You Went Wrong in the Above Step!





PYOTL:You Should Change The Path And Set  As Same As To me!





9.Modify the code:

10.Import The Eclipse And We Can Write C++ ,Python!  Enjoy It!


时间: 2025-01-19 12:23:47

The Linux Mint 18:Eclipse Run The C++ And Python ConfigorationWhen You achieve above step,you can run the c++ and python! (Next OTL ,PYOTL is Project That Write By Ruimin Shen(ability man) )的相关文章

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