a love story,scan slowly



I mean I knew it was ending, but I was still there, doing the same job I had been doing for the last 8 years. So my day to day experience hadn’t changed. But one month? That is countable; you can feel that, that goes from the conceptual to the concrete. A lot has happened to this Desperate Housewives family of ours, over 250 of us, from the ordinary to the profound. All of us working together, day after day, often for 12 -15 hours, makes for a tight knit group.www.561.cn

Finding love, losing love, getting married, getting divorced, having babies, first day of school, fighting disease, loved ones dying, in short… life. I realize it is the same experience that anyone would have while in a long term job, but I am an actor, and actors usually bounce around from job to job, so this is a unique experience for me.

I park, I grab my big, ugly bag (everyone makes fun of me because my bag is an old gardening bag that used to be a diaper bag) that is full of my computer, ipad, book, sewing project, random half eaten snacks and usually some small article of clothing from one of my children.

I love the dance of figuring out how to perform a scene with the other actors and the director. I love the collaborative process and listening to my own instincts and intellect.

I love writers, and ours work so hard it’s staggering. Can you imagine having a script due every 8 days! I love talking to them about exactly how to act something, how to make sense of something, or what something really means. Doug savant and I have talked with them a lot about marriage, divorce, family, children, in-laws and love in general.


a love story,scan slowly,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-10-10 05:19:51

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