
Dental plaque

Dental plaque(匾) is the material that adheres(坚持) to the teeth and consists of bacterial(细菌的) cells (mainly S. mutans变形链球菌 and S. sanguis血链球菌), salivary(唾液的) polymers(聚合物) and bacterial extracellular(细菌细胞外的) products. Plaque is a biofilm(生物膜) on the surfaces of the teeth. This accumulation(积聚) of microorganisms(微生物) subject the teeth and gingival(齿龈的) tissuesto high concentrations(浓度) of bacterial metabolites(代谢物) which results in dental disease. If not taken care of, via brushing or flossing(用牙线洁牙), the plaque can turn into tartar (its hardened(变硬的) form) and lead to gingivitis(齿龈炎) or periodontal(齿根膜的) disease.


Biofilms are communities of bacterial cells that are attached to a special surface, and cells are embedded in a matrix which is called extracellular polymeric substance.


时间: 2024-10-11 21:54:44



History of biofilm research Perhaps because many biofilms are thick enough to be visible to the naked eye, the microbial communities were among the first to be studied by early microbiologists. Anton van Leeuwenhoek scraped the plaque biofilm from hi


1.油脂(fat) N any of a large group of organic compounds that are esters of fatty acids (simple lipids, such as fats and waxes) or closely related substances (compound lipids, such as phospholipids): usually insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol and

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抗生素只会杀死急速增长的细菌(浮游细菌) 生物膜增长速度慢,抗生素不杀死增速慢的细菌. 抗生素对生物膜效果差


Cell-cell communication Most of the bacterial species found in the mouth belong(属于) to microbial(微生物的) communities, called biofilms, a feature(特色) of which is inter-bacterial communication. Cell-cell contact is mediated(调解) by specific(特殊的) protein(蛋


防止 爲防止某些情況下的生物膜形成,有如下辦法: 預防性: 防止營養物沉積 特殊的表面使細菌無法附著(“荷葉效應”) 物理方法: 超聲 高電壓 磁場 化學方法: 抗生素 去污劑 過氧化氫 螯合劑(如EDTA) 生物調控方法: 加入群體感性中誘導物的相似物質從而抑制群體感應 食物:木糖醇 FruA 东 京市日本国家传染病研究院的生物学家千福秀信及同事想了解一下是什么物质赋予了唾液链球菌抗蛀牙的威力.研究人员利用层析法——一种根据电荷或大小将混合 物中的各种分子分离开来的方法,把各种不同的蛋白质从唾


尿道上分布的金黄葡萄球菌生物膜 金鱼缸内彩色生物膜 生物膜在醫學.工業和生態上都具有重要意義. 在醫學中,人類大約65%的細菌性疾病有生物膜參與.如在口腔中,牙齒表面的生物膜可形成牙菌斑.齲齒和牙齦感染.生物膜也可導致器官移植後(如心臟起搏器)的感染.空調中的退伍軍人菌(Legionella pneumoniae)形成生物膜可導致退伍軍人病.綠膿桿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)在肺部感染的形成囊性纖維變性.肺結核.尿路感染.呼吸道感染和大約25%的腎結石也是由生物膜造成的.


Drinking water According to a 2011 review, biofilms in drinking water systems can serve as a significant environmental reservoir for pathogenic microorganisms.23 细菌依赖于生物膜,大量分布在水域,寄生繁殖大量微生物. 所以现在饮用水系统通过二氧化氯消毒.破坏生物膜.


Biofilms are densely packed communities of microbial cells that grow on living or inert surfaces and surround themselves with secreted polymers. Many bacterial species form biofilms, and their study has revealed them to be complex and diverse. The st