print(‘Hello,world!‘) name = ‘cc‘ name2 = name name = ‘cuichen‘ print(name,name2)
name2 = name 只是通过name指向‘cc’,name2并不指向name,所以即使name指向改变,name2并不改变 理解变量在计算机内存中的表示:
a = ‘abc’
当我们运行以上代码时,Python解释器干了两件事,1.在内存中创建了一个‘ABC’字符串,2.在内存中创建了一个名为a的变量,并把他指向‘ABC’ for循环可以直接让代码循环执行执行规定的次数,例子如下:
cc_age = 23 for i in range(3): age = int(input(‘His age is :‘)) if age == cc_age: print(‘Congratulation!‘) break elif age > cc_age: print(‘Too big!‘) else: print(‘Too small!‘) else: print(‘You have too many times Fuck off....‘)
for i in range(0,10,2):#步长为2 print(‘-----------‘,i)
apple = input(‘apple:‘) number = int(input(‘number:‘)) print(type(number)) qwe = ‘‘‘ --------qwe--------- apple:%s number:%d ‘‘‘%(apple,number) print(qwe)
使用‘‘‘ ‘‘‘ 来实现多行打印
cc_age = 23 count = 0 #count 代表计数器 while count < 3: age = int(input(‘His age is :‘)) if age == cc_age: print(‘Congratulation!‘) break elif age > cc_age: print(‘Too big!‘) else: print(‘Too small!‘) count += 1 #等于count = count+1 计数器 else: print(‘You have too many times Fuck off....‘)
break 表示跳出此次循环:
for i in range(10): print(‘-------------------‘,i) for j in range(10): print(j) if j > 5 : break
时间: 2024-12-17 00:42:20