Android diagnose help

adb logcat -v threadtime > logcat.txt

adb shell cat /proc/kmsg > kernellogs.txt


adb bugreport > bugreport.txt


Make sure you clear below things at the beginning



Pull the traces and tombstone files from the /data/anr and /data/tombstone

adb pull /data/anr/ .

adb pull /data/tombstone .

Note: You can save in any folder by logging it outside the adb shell prompt

Search for the time stamp where you encountered the Framework reboot.

Map it appropriately with the traces/tombstones to find the issue.

Note: There is one more method of capturing the logs in the sdcard. With the same set of commands by routing it to /sdcard and then pulling it after hitting that issue.

时间: 2024-10-15 21:10:54

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