deriveddata-exterminator: A magic button in Xcode to exterminate the current project‘s DerivedData directories
Alcatraz: Package manager for Xcode
DXXcodeConsoleUnicodePlugin: 转换Xcode控制台中一些不可阅读的字符,比如 \u22AD 这种
Backlight-for-XCode: Highlights the current editing line in Xcode
GitDiff: Highlights deltas against git repo in Xcode
xcode-theme-Darcula: Darcula theme for xcode
cocoapods-xcode-plugin: Dependency management helper for your CocoaPods, right in Xcode
ColorSenseRainbow: A plugin for Xcode that shows colours and allows you to modify them.
FuzzyAutocompletePlugin: A Xcode 5+ plugin that adds more flexible autocompletion rather than just prefix-matching.
KSImageNamed-Xcode: Xcode plug-in that provides autocomplete for imageNamed: calls
VVDocumenter-Xcode: Xcode plug-in which helps you write documentation comment easier, for both Objective-C and Swift.
XCode4_beginning_of_line: Xcode plugin to make HOME key jump to the first non-whitespace line of code
时间: 2024-10-12 17:39:14