iOS 6 By Tutorials ---第二章--【第二弹】--【翻译】

Fun with instance variables


Take a look at MasterViewController.h:——看看 MasterViewController类

@interface MasterViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate,

DetailViewControllerDelegate> {

// Instance variables for outlets

UITableView *tableView; UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl;

... }

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITableView *tableView; @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UISegmentedControl




Usually when you declare a property, you want to have it “backed” by an instance variable that stores the actual value for that property. For example, self.tableView (the property) actually reads and writes the value from the tableView instance variable.


In the @interface above, you can see that the author has declared both the property and its backing instance variable. The instance variable sits inside the { } section, the property on its own line below that. (Sometimes you will see the IBOutlet specifier on the instance variable instead of the property. It doesn’t really matter where it goes.)


When you do this, you’re essentially writing the same thing twice. Here’s the thing: this hasn’t been necessary for ages! The explicit declaration of the instance variable was only necessary for the iPhone 2.x Simulator because it used an older version of the Objective-C runtime. Quite some time ago now, the Simulator switched to the “modern” runtime, which is also what the actual iPhone uses, and this workaround became unnecessary.

当你这么做的时候,你基本上就是同上的事情写了两次。事情是这样的:这没必要。显示声明实例变量只有在iPhone 2.x模拟器的时候是必要的,因为它使用的是旧版的OC运行时。很久之前,模拟器已经切换到 了“现代的”运行时,那也是iPhone真机在使用的,所以这种解决方案是不必要的。

When you @synthesize a property, the compiler automatically creates that instance variable for you. That’s what @synthesize is for, after all. So there is no need to type the same thing again.


Note: In some older versions of Xcode, it used to be that if you allowed the compiler to auto-create instance variables, you couldn’t see the instance variables in the debugger. Happily, this is no longer the case, and you can now see the instance variables in the debugger as expected. So feel free to auto- generate!


So, go ahead and remove these two instance variable declarations from MasterViewController.h, and everything should work as before.


Also go ahead and remove all the instance variable declarations from DetailViewController.h. Same story. Each of those instance variables just exists for the sake of the property with the same name. Get rid of ‘em.


The new, simplified @interface section from DetailViewController.h should look like this:


@interface DetailViewController : UIViewController

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UINavigationBar *navigationBar;

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITextField *textField; 

@property (nonatomic, weak) id <DetailViewControllerDelegate>


@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * sectionName;

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger indexInSection;

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber *value;

- (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender; - (IBAction)done:(id)sender;


Build and run, and everything should work just as before!


But wait, there’s more...


You’re not done with the instance variables just yet. Currently the @interface of MasterViewController.h still declares several instance variables:


@interface MasterViewController : UIViewController <. . .> {

// Private instance variables

NSDictionary *namesDictionary; NSMutableDictionary *valuesDictionary; NSArray *sortedSectionNames;

// For the "sorted by value" screen

BOOL sortedByName; NSArray *sortedNames; NSArray *sortedValues;


As the comment indicates, these are “private” instance variables. They are used internally by this view controller only, and are not supposed to be accessed by any objects outside this class. (Sometimes developers put a @private declaration in there as well.)


Wouldn’t it be better if outside objects didn’t know anything about these instance variables at all? In other words, why do they need to be exposed in the @interface section in the header file? There are good historical reasons why that was necessary, once upon a time – Objective-C having been built on top of the C language, to name one – but as of Xcode 4.2, the compiler no longer requires this. It is now possible to place instance variable declarations inside your implementation (.m) files instead.


Cut the instance variable section out of the header file and paste it directly below the @implementation line in MasterViewController.m.


The @interface section in MasterViewController.h should now look like this:


@interface MasterViewController : UIViewController <. . .>
@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITableView *tableView; @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl;
- (IBAction)sortChanged:(UISegmentedControl *)sender;

While the @implementation section in MasterViewController.m should now look like this:


@implementation MasterViewController {

NSDictionary *namesDictionary; NSMutableDictionary *valuesDictionary; NSArray *sortedSectionNames;

// For the "sorted by value" screen

BOOL sortedByName; NSArray *sortedNames; NSArray *sortedValues;


That is a lot cleaner! Instance variables are typically only necessary inside the .m file, so that’s where they belong.


Note: You may wonder why some instance variables in this app have properties, and some do not. This is mostly a matter of style – some people like to create properties for everything, and some people don’t like to create properties at all. I only tend to create properties for things that must be accessible from outside a class, and for IBOutlets.


To synthesize, or not to synthesize

Countless books and tutorials have probably drilled this rule into you: if you have a @property you need to @synthesize it, at least if you want it to be backed by an instance variable. It is also possible to create your own getter and setter methods or to use @dynamic properties, but most of the time you use @synthesize.

大多数的书籍和教程可能告诉你这样一个规则:如果你定义了属性,如果你想得到一个实例变量的支持,你需要用 @synthesize修饰它。你也可以使用 @dynamic方法,自己写setter和getter方法,但实际上你会使用@synthesize。

Well, thanks to the automatic synthesize feature in Xcode 4.5, you don’t have to bother writing @synthesize statements anymore! The compiler will notice your @property statement and automatically synthesize the property and create the backing instance variable for you. Nice, eh?


Try this out by removing the @synthesize statements from AppDelegate.m, MasterViewController.m and DetailViewController.m. That shaves about nine or ten lines from the source code. Now build the app.

试试删除AppDelegate.m,MasterViewController.m 和 DetailViewController.m.中的@synthesize句子。那样会删掉九行或十行代码,编译一下项目。

Whoops, the compiler isn’t happy! It gives a number of errors in the code for MasterViewController.m, in this method:


- (void)viewDidLoad {

[super viewDidLoad];

if (sortedByName)
segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 0; // error!


segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 1; // error!

[self updateTableContents];


The offending lines are the ones that refer to segmentedControl. This used to work before you removed @synthesize, so what’s the big deal?


As it turns out, this is an example of programmer sloppiness. If you declare a property for something, then best practice says you should always refer to it as and not directly through its backing instance variable. Using invokes the proper getter and setter methods, but direct access through the backing instance variable skips those. That may cause issues if your getter or setter does anything special, beyond changing the backing variable.

事实证明,这是一个马虎的程序员的例子。如果你声明了一些东西。使用它的地方最好是self. 而不是使用它的实例。用self. 会调用setter和getter方法,但是使用实例 就会跳过那些!如果你的getter或setter方法做了什么特殊的操作就会引起错误。

It’s best to always write so you don’t have to worry about any of this. Here, however, the programmer forgot to use “self” and just wrote segmentedControl. The fix is to simply add self. to the references to segmentedControl, as follows:

最好使用self. ,这样在这方面你就不会出错。这里,就是程序员忘记使用self 只是写了segmentedControl。更正的方法就是简单的加上self.就可以,如下:

- (void)viewDidLoad {

[super viewDidLoad];

if (sortedByName) self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 0;

self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 1;

[self updateTableContents]; }


This still doesn’t answer the question of why this code compiled without problems before you removed @synthesize. That synthesize statement looked like this:


@synthesize segmentedControl;

The statement above created a backing instance variable with the same name as the property: in this case, a variable also named segmentedControl. So before, you weren’t actually going through the property (self.segmentedControl) – you were accessing the instance variable directly (segmentedControl). This is an easy mistake to make, since the property and instance variable have the same name.


You may have seen a variation of the synthesize statement that looks like:

你可能会看到变量和 synthesize语句是这样的:

@synthesize segmentedControl = _segmentedControl;

The above notation allows you to specify a different name for the instance variable. This is a good practice, because it makes it harder to make the above mistake – you access the property with self.segmentedControl, and the instance variable with _segmentedControl.


Also, when you do this the compiler helps you out, just like you saw here. Since your program referenced segmentedControl without self, the compiler gave an error because that is neither a valid way to access a property nor the name of an existing variable. It should either be self.segmentedControl or _segmentedControl, not just segmentedControl.

同样,当你这样做的时候,编译器也会帮助你,就像你看到的那样。当编译器引用segmentedControl没有使用self,编译器就会报错,因为这既不是合法的途径访问属性也不是实例变量正确的名字。要使用self.segmentedControl 或 _segmentedControl,而不是segmentedControl。

By renaming the instance variable, you prevent the situation where you’re (mistakenly) using the backing instance variable directly, when you intended to use the property.


And that is exactly what auto-synthesize does: it creates a new backing instance variable named after the property, but prefixed with an underscore, just as if you had typed this:


@synthesize segmentedControl = _segmentedControl;

To verify this for yourself, change the offending lines to:


_segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = . . .;

Now the code should compile successfully. Even though you never declared this variable anywhere yourself, it still exists because of auto-synthesize. (You probably should change it back to use the property before you continue, though.)


Build and run, and everything should work as usual!


Tip: Your apps don’t need to be iOS 6-only to take advantage of auto- synthesize. Apps compiled with this feature will still work all the way back to iOS 4. Nice!

建议:你的应用不用必须在iOS6下使用auto- synthesize。  应用在iOS4之后都可以编译通过这个特性。



时间: 2024-10-11 10:05:39

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