<<Exceptional C++>> notes

class Complex
    explicit Complex(double real, double imaginary = 0)
    : real_(real), imaginary_(imaginary)

    Complex& operaor+=(const Complex& o)
         real_ += o._real_;
         imaginary_ += o.imaginary_;
         return *this;

    Complex& operator++()
         return *this;

    const Complex operator++(int)// to avoid this expression: a++++
     Complex tmp(*this);
         return tmp;

    ostream& Print(ostream& os) const
        return os << ....;
    double real_, imaginary_;

const Complex operator+(const Complex& a, const Complex& b)
    Complex ret(a);
    ret += b;
    return ret;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Complex& c)
    return c.Print(os);

My simple implementation for class string:



时间: 2024-10-06 20:47:29

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