Linux -- finger

FINGER(1)                 BSD General Commands Manual                FINGER(1)

     finger — user information lookup program

     finger [-lmsp] [user ...] [[email protected] ...]

     The finger displays information about the system users.

Options are:

-s    Finger displays the user‘s login name, real name, terminal name and
           write status (as a ``*‘‘ after the terminal name if write permis‐
           sion is denied), idle time, login time, office location and office
           phone number.

Login time is displayed as month, day, hours and minutes, unless
           more than six months ago, in which case the year is displayed
           rather than the hours and minutes.

Unknown devices as well as nonexistent idle and login times are
           displayed as single asterisks.


-l    Produces a multi-line format displaying all of the information
           described for the -s option as well as the user‘s home directory,
           home phone number, login shell, mail status, and the contents of
           the files “.plan”, “.project”, “.pgpkey” and “.forward” from the
           user‘s home directory.

Phone numbers specified as eleven digits are printed as ``+N-NNN-
           NNN-NNNN‘‘.  Numbers specified as ten or seven digits are printed
           as the appropriate subset of that string.  Numbers specified as
           five digits are printed as ``xN-NNNN‘‘.  Numbers specified as four
           digits are printed as ``xNNNN‘‘.

If write permission is denied to the device, the phrase ``(messages
           off)‘‘ is appended to the line containing the device name.  One
           entry per user is displayed with the -l option; if a user is logged
           on multiple times, terminal information is repeated once per login.

Mail status is shown as ``No Mail.‘‘ if there is no mail at all,
           ``Mail last read DDD MMM ## HH:MM YYYY (TZ)‘‘ if the person has
           looked at their mailbox since new mail arriving, or ``New mail
           received ...‘‘, ``  Unread since ...‘‘ if they have new mail.


-p    Prevents the -l option of finger from displaying the contents of
           the “.plan”, “.project” and “.pgpkey” files.

-m    Prevent matching of user names.  User is usually a login name; how‐
           ever, matching will also be done on the users‘ real names, unless
           the -m option is supplied.  All name matching performed by finger
           is case insensitive.

If no options are specified, finger defaults to the -l style output if
     operands are provided, otherwise to the -s style.  Note that some fields
     may be missing, in either format, if information is not available for

If no arguments are specified, finger will print an entry for each user
     currently logged into the system.

Finger may be used to look up users on a remote machine.  The format is
     to specify a user as “user@host”, or “@host”, where the default output
     format for the former is the -l style, and the default output format for
     the latter is the -s style.  The -l option is the only option that may be
     passed to a remote machine.

If standard output is a socket, finger will emit a carriage return (^M)
     before every linefeed (^J). This is for processing remote finger requests
     when invoked by fingerd(8).

     ~/.nofinger      If finger finds this file in a user‘s home directory, it
                      will, for finger requests originating outside the local
                      host, firmly deny the existence of that user.  For this
                      to work, the finger program, as started by fingerd(8),
                      must be able to see the .nofinger file. This generally
                      means that the home directory containing the file must
                      have the other-users-execute bit set (o+x). See
                      chmod(1).  If you use this feature for privacy, please
                      test it with ``finger @localhost‘‘ before relying on it,
                      just in case.



~/.pgpkey        These files are printed as part of a long-format
                      request. The .plan file may be arbitrarily long.

     chfn(1), passwd(1), w(1), who(1)

     The finger command appeared in 3.0BSD.

Linux NetKit (0.17)             August 15, 1999            Linux NetKit (0.17)

时间: 2024-09-05 10:21:16

Linux -- finger的相关文章

详细介绍Linux finger命令的使用

Linux 允许多个用户使用不同的终端同时登陆,Linux finger命令为系统管理员提供知道某个时候到底有多少用户在使用这台Linux主机的方法,对于这个简单的命令我们还是先介绍一下再举例吧. Linux finger命令的功能是查询用户的信息,通常会显示系统中某个用户的用户名.主目录.停滞时间.登录时间.登录shell等信息.如果要查询远程机上的用户信息,需要在用户名后面接“@主机名”,采用[用户名@主机名]的格式,不过要查询的网络主机需要运行finger守护进程. 该命令的一般格式为:


useradd [options] USERNAME -u UID 指定用户ID,大于500 -g GID(基本组),组必须存在 -G GID,-,-(附加组,可以有多个) -c "COMMENT"注释信息 -d /path/to/somedirectory 指定家目录 -s /bin/bash  指定shell路径  SHELL 环境变量 echo $SHELL -m -k(/etc/skel/ 中的文件拷贝到创建的家目录中) 强制为用户创建家目录 ls -a /etc/skel/


1.查看文件内容 cat -n 显示行号 2.分页显示 more Enter 显示下一行 空格 显示下一页 F 显示下一屏 B 显示上一屏 less /get 查询"get"字符串并高亮显示 3.显示文件尾 tail -f 不退出持续显示 -n 显示文件最后n行 4.显示头文件 head -n 显示文件开始n行 5.内容排序 sort -n 按照数字排序 -r 按照逆序排序 -k 表示排序列 -t 指定分隔符 6.字符统计 wc -l 统计文件中行数 -c 统计文件字节数 -L 查看最


finger 总览 finger[-lmsp][user...][user host...][[]] 参数: -s Finger显示用户的登录名,真名,终端名以及写状态(如果写被禁止,在终端名后显示一个``*),空闲时间,登录时间,办公地点和电话等. 登录时间显示为月,天,小时和分钟,如果是超过6个月以前,则显示年份,而不是小时和分钟. 不明设备以及不存在的空闲时间和登录时间显示为一个星号. -l 产生一个多行显示来描述信息-s关于用户家目录,家庭电话,登录脚本,邮件状态和文件的内容``.pla


准备 安装: (wget -O - || curl | bash 查看手册:man parallel 生成abc-file:parallel -k echo ::: A B C > abc-file 生成def-file:parallel -k echo ::: D E F > def-file 生成abc0-file:python -c 'print "A\0B\0C\0"' > abc0-file 生成abc_-file: py


Linux shell/terminal命令非常强大,即使一个简单的命令就可能导致文件夹.文件或者路径文件夹等被删除. 在一些情况下,Linux甚至不会询问你而直接执行命令,导致你丢失各种数据信息. 一般来说在Web上推荐新的Linux用户执行这些命令,当然,也有人哪些写过这代码的人不这么想,因为这玩意你一写下去就不是玩笑了. 这里我收集了一些对系统有危害的Linux代码,帮助你避免他们.请记住:这些代码非常危险,甚至可以经过修改,变得更加有危害性. 还有一些事情需要注意:一些命令只在Ubunt

Linux命令学习(21) Linux文件类型与扩展名

Linux文件类型和Linux文件的文件名所代表的意义是两个不同的概念.我们通过一般应用程序而创建的比如file.txt.file.tar.gz ,这些文件虽然要用不同的程序来打开,但放在Linux文件类型中衡量的话,大多是常规文件(也被称为普通文件). 一. 文件类型 Linux文件类型常见的有:普通文件.目录文件.字符设备文件和块设备文件.符号链接文件等,现在我们进行一个简要的说明. 1. 普通文件 我 们用 ls -lh 来查看某个文件的属性,可以看到有类似-rwxrwxrwx,值得注意的


finger 1.作用    finger用来查询一台主机上的登录账号的信息,通常会显示用户名.主目录.停滞时间.登录时间.登录Shell等信息,使用权限为所有用户. Linux 允许多个用户使用不同的终端同时登陆,Linux finger命令为系统管理员提供知道某个时候到底有多少用户在使用这台Linux主机的方法. 2.格式    finger [选项] [使用者] [用户@主机] 3.主要参数    -s:显示用户注册名.实际姓名.终端名称.写状态.停滞时间.登录时间等信息.    -l:除


  finger命令简介:     此命令用于查看用户帐号的家目录,shell等信息. 1.命令格式: finger [option] USERNAME 2.命令功能: 用于查看用户帐号的家目录,shell等信息:finger指令会去查找, 并显示指定帐号的用户相关信息,包括本地与远端主机的用户皆可, 帐号名称没有大小写的差别.单独执行finger指令,它会显示本地 主机现在所有的用户的登陆信息,包括帐号名称,真实姓名,登入终 端机,闲置时间,登入时间以及地址和电话. 3.命令参数: