

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 1107    Accepted Submission(s): 850

Problem Description

Alice and Bob are the topmost hunters in the forest, so no preys can escape from them. However, they both think that its hunting skill is better than the other. So they need a match.

In their match, the targets are two animals, a tiger and a wolf. They both know that the tiger is living in the south of the forest and the wolf is living in the north of the forest. They decide that the one who kills the tiger scores X points and who kills
the wolf scores Y points. If the one who kills both tiger and wolf scores X+Y points.

Before the match starts, Alice is in the east of the forest and Bob is in the west of the forest. When the match starts, Alice and Bob will choose one of the preys as targets. Because they haven‘t known the other‘s choice, maybe they choose the same target.
There will be two situations:

(1) If they choose different targets, they both are sure of killing their respective targets.

(2) If they choose the same target, the probability of Alice killing the target is P, and the probability of Bob killing it is 1-P. Then they will hunt for the other prey, also the probability of Alice killing it is P and the probability of Bob killing it is

But Alice knows about Bob. She knows that the probability of Bob choosing tiger as his first target is Q, and the probability of choosing wolf is 1-Q. So that Alice can decide her first target to make her expected score as high as possible.


The first line of input contains an integer T (1≤T≤10000), the number of test cases.

Then T test cases follow. Each test case contains X, Y, P, Q in one line. X and Y are integers and 1≤X, Y≤1000000000. P and Q are decimals and 0≤P, Q≤1, and there are at most two digits after decimal point.


For each test case, output the target Alice should choose and the highest expected score she can get, in one line, separated by a space. The expected score should be rounded to the fourth digit after decimal point. It is guaranteed that Alice will have different
expected score between choosing tiger and wolf.

Sample Input

2 1 0.5 0.5
2 1 0 1
7 7 0.32 0.16

Sample Output

tiger 1.7500
wolf 1.0000
tiger 6.5968


2012 Asia Tianjin Regional Contest






#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int T;
	double x, y, p, q;
	scanf("%d", &T);
		scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &p, &q);
		double ans1 = q*(x*p+y*p) + (1-q)*x, ans2 = (1-q)*(x*p+y*p) + q*y;
		if(ans1 > ans2)printf("tiger %.4lf\n", ans1);
		else printf("wolf %.4lf\n", ans2);
	return 0;


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#define max(a,b) (a)>(b)?(a):(b)
using namespace std;

int main()
    int T, x, y;
    double p, q;
    scanf("%d", &T);
        scanf("%d %d %lf %lf", &x, &y, &p, &q);
        double ans1=q*(x*p+y*p) + (1-q)*x, ans2=(1-q)*(x*p+y*p) + q*y;
        double ans = max(ans1, ans2);
        if(ans-ans1<1e-6)printf("tiger ");  //不能写ans==ans1,会产生浮点数误差!!
        else printf("wolf ");
        printf("%.4lf\n", ans);
    return 0;
时间: 2024-10-10 20:39:50


HDU 4438 Hunters (数学,概率计算)

题意:猎人A和B要进行一场比赛.现在有两个猎物老虎和狼,打死老虎可以得X分,打死狼可以得Y分.现在有两种情况: (1)如果A与B的预定目标不同,那么他们都将猎到预定的目标. (2)如果A与B的预定目标相同,A杀死目标的概率为P,B杀死这个目标的概率为1-P.接着他们将猎取第二只猎物,概率同上. 现在A知道B选择老虎作为他的首目标的概率为Q,B选狼作为首目标的概率为1-Q.所以A必须选择他的首目标,来使得他的期望分数最高. 析:分情况讨论么,首先选Tiger,再选Wolf,看看哪个大,就选哪个,比

HDU 4438 Hunters 区域赛水题

本文转载于 http://blog.csdn.net/major_zhang/article/details/52197538 2012天津区域赛最水之题: 题意容易读懂,然后就是分情况求出A得分的数学期望,所谓数学期望就是在该概率下的平均得分. 现在就是两种方案,Alice要根据输入给出的数据情况选出最优方案,也就是先选老虎,还是狼. 1.A先选老虎: a.B也先选老虎,则得分为Q(P*X+P*Y); //打完老虎还要打狼 b.B选狼,则两人可以直接获得猎物,则得分为(1-Q)*X 所以1方案

hdu 4438

比较水的概率题:写出公式即可 #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { int T; scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { double x,y,p,q; scanf("

hdu 4438 第37届ACM/ICPC 天津赛区现场赛H题

题意:Alice和Bob两个人去打猎,有两种(只)猎物老虎和狼: 杀死老虎得分x,狼得分y: 如果两个人都选择同样的猎物,则Alice得分的概率是p,则Bob得分的概率是(1-p): 但是Alice事先知道Bob先选老虎的概率是Q,问Alice得分的期望最大值是 求期望 如果先去打老虎,则会有bob先去打狼和bob去打老虎两种情况,期望相加则是alice去打老虎的期望,然后求打狼的期望,比较大小即可 1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<iostream> 3

HDU 6203 ping ping ping [LCA,贪心,DFS序,BIT(树状数组)]

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HDU 5542 The Battle of Chibi dp+树状数组

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[hdu 2102]bfs+注意INF

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HDU 3555 Bomb (数位DP)

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