(后面就是代码了,我就不翻译了。) #!/usr/bin/perl use File::Copy; my $installPath = $ARGV[0]; #the name that displays on the iPhone my $bundleDisplayName = "New App"; # prerendered icons don‘t have the glossy effect applied over them. my $prerenderedIcon = 1; # determines orientation of OS popups (text messages, volume controls) my $landscapeOrientation = 0; # these three are values defined in AppController.m my $fpsRate = "60.0"; my $accelerometerRate = "60.0"; my $profilerOn = "0"; #go through the info.plist file line by line until you find this one: my $findLine = "CFBundleDisplayName"; my $endOfPlist = "</dict>"; #copy Default.png and Icon.png from Asset to installPath my $iconFilename = "Icon.png"; my $defaultFilename = "Default.png"; # The type of player built: # "dashboard", "standaloneWin32", "standaloneOSXIntel", "standaloneOSXPPC", "standaloneOSXUniversal", "webplayer", "iPhone" my $target = $ARGV[1]; print ("\n*** PostprocessBuildPlayer - Building at ‘$installPath‘ with target: $target ***\n"); my $dst = $installPath . "/" . $iconFilename; print ("Copying Icon.png [$iconFilename -> $dst]\n"); copy($iconFilename, $dst) or die "Icon file can not be copied "; my $dst = $installPath . "/" . $defaultFilename; print ("Copying Default.png [$defaultFilename -> $dst]\n"); copy($defaultFilename, $dst) or die "Default file can not be copied "; ################################################################ # This modifies info.plist so you don‘t have to # # set BundleDisplayName manually # ################################################################ #open this file $oplistPath = $installPath."/Info.plist"; $nplistPath = $installPath."/Info.plist.tmp"; open OLDPLIST, "<", $oplistPath or die("Cannot open Info.plist"); open NEWPLIST, ">", $nplistPath or die("Cannot create new Info.plist"); my $nextLine = 0; while(<OLDPLIST>) { if ($nextLine == 1) { $_ =~ s/\${PRODUCT_NAME}/$bundleDisplayName/; #swap the product name for display name $nextLine = 0; } if ($_ =~ m/$findLine/) { $nextLine = 1; } ################################################################ # Add any key/value pairs you want at the end of Info.plist # ################################################################ if ($_ =~ m/$endOfPlist/) { my $keys = ""; if ($prerenderedIcon) { $keys .= " <key>UIPrerenderedIcon</key>\n"; $keys .= " <true/>\n"; } if ($landscapeOrientation) { $keys .= " <key>UIInterfaceOrientation</key>\n"; $keys .= " <string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight</string>\n"; } $_ = $keys . $_; } print NEWPLIST $_; } close OLDPLIST; close NEWPLIST; `mv \‘$nplistPath\‘ \‘$oplistPath\‘`; ################################################################ # Change default Profiler & kFPS rates # ################################################################ $oacmPath = $installPath."/Classes/AppController.mm"; $nacmPath = $installPath."/Classes/AppController.mm.tmp"; open OLDACM, "<", $oacmPath or die("Cannot open AppController.mm"); open NEWACM, ">", $nacmPath or die("Cannot create new AppController.mm"); while(<OLDACM>) { if ($_ =~ m/ENABLE_INTERNAL_PROFILER/) { $_ =~ s/0/$profilerOn/; } if ($_ =~ m/kFPS/) { $_ =~ s/60.0/$fpsRate/; } if ($_ =~ m/kAccelerometerFrequency/) { $_ =~ s/60.0/$accelerometerRate/; } print NEWACM $_; } close OLDACM; close NEWACM; `mv \‘$nacmPath\‘ \‘$oacmPath\‘`;
时间: 2025-01-05 22:55:58