sql example 9 -- group, having

sql example 9 – group, having

sql example 9 – group, having

  • group

    truncate table user1;
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (1, ‘test1‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (2, ‘test1‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (3, ‘test1‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (4, ‘test1‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (5, ‘test1‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (1, ‘test2‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (2, ‘test2‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (3, ‘test2‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (4, ‘test2‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (5, ‘test2‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (1, ‘test3‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (2, ‘test3‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (3, ‘test3‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (4, ‘test3‘);
    insert into user1 (id, username) values (5, ‘test3‘);
    select * from user1 group by username;
    | id | username |
    |  1 | test1    |
    |  1 | test2    |
    |  1 | test3    |
select * from user1 group by id;
| id | username |
|  1 | test1    |
|  2 | test1    |
|  3 | test1    |
|  4 | test1    |
|  5 | test1    |


select username, id from user1 group by 1;

1 指的是 username, group by 2 指的是 id (一般不这样用, 好丑陋的用法)

  • having
    相当于 where

    select username, id from user1 group by id;
    | username | id |
    | test1    |  1 |
    | test1    |  2 |
    | test1    |  3 |
    | test1    |  4 |
    | test1    |  5 |
    select username, id from user1 group by id having id in (1, 2, 3);
    | username | id |
    | test1    |  1 |
    | test1    |  2 |
    | test1    |  3 |
    select username from user1 group by id having id in (1, 2, 3);
    select username from user1 group by username having id in (1, 2, 3);   # 报错, 没有 id 这个字段
时间: 2024-09-30 05:08:37

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