

1. 收缩ibdata的方法,目前MySQL依然没有提供收缩ibdata的方法,只能重构,下面是5.7的步骤。

Decreasing the Size of the InnoDB Tablespace
Currently, you cannot remove a data file from the system tablespace. To decrease the system tablespace size, use this procedure:

1. Use mysqldump to dump all your InnoDB tables, including InnoDB tables located in the MySQL database. As of 5.6, there are five InnoDB tables included in the MySQL database:

mysql> select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=‘mysql‘ and engine=‘InnoDB‘;
| table_name           |
| innodb_index_stats   |
| innodb_table_stats   |
| slave_master_info    |
| slave_relay_log_info |
| slave_worker_info    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Stop the server.

2. Remove all the existing tablespace files (*.ibd), including the ibdata and ib_log files. Do not forget to remove *.ibd files for tables located in the MySQL database.

3. Remove any .frm files for InnoDB tables.

4. Configure a new tablespace.

5. Restart the server.

6. Import the dump files.

2. 再看一个官方说明,file-per-table的优势,同时也指出了ibdata文件的空间只能被重用,但无法释放给操作系统。

You can reclaim operating system disk space when truncating or dropping a table. For tables created when file-per-table mode is turned off, truncating or dropping the tables creates free space internally in the ibdata files but the free space can only be used for new InnoDB data.

3. 对于file-per-table的表,回收空间,使用optimize table,实现原理如下面所示,其实就是重建+改名。

You can run OPTIMIZE TABLE to compact or recreate a tablespace. When you run an OPTIMIZE TABLE, InnoDB will create a new .ibd file with a temporary name, using only the space required to store actual data. When the optimization is complete, InnoDB removes the old .ibd file and replaces it with the new .ibd file. If the previous .ibd file had grown significantly but actual data only accounted for a portion of its size, running OPTIMIZE TABLE allows you to reclaim the unused space.
时间: 2024-08-27 02:05:36


MySQL 表空间传送

1.源库查询表结构 mysql> show create table s_show\G *************************** 1. row ***************************        Table: study_show Create Table: CREATE TABLE `study_show` (   `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `uid` int(11) DEFAULT '0'

mysql 表空间。

mysql使用磁盘空间: -ef | grep mysql @@datadir; create table mytab; show create table t; 一个myisam存储引擎.一个innodb存储引擎 4.insert into t select * from t; insert into mytab select * from mytab; 发现数据文件变大了 5.innodb使用共享表空间. select @@innodb_file_p


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oracle2271 对于可传输表空间有一个重要概念:自包含(Self-Contained). 在表空间传输的中,要求表空间集为自包含的,自包含表示用于传输的内部表空间集没有引用指向外部表空间集.自包含分为两种:一般自包含表空间集和完全(严格)自包含表空间集. 常见的以下情况是违反自包含原则的:  索引在内部表空间集,而表在外部表空间集(相反地,如果表在内部表空间集,而索引在外部表空间集,则不违反自包含原则).  分区表一部分区在内部表空间集,一部分在外部表空间集(对于分区表,要么全部包含在


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