JSBinding / About JSComponent

JSCompnent is a normal Unity script.

It inherits from JSSerializer and JSSerializer inherits from MonoBehaviour.

public class JSSerializer : MonoBehaviour {
public class JSComponent : JSSerializer {

When using c#, steps to add a component to a gameobject are:

  1. In Hierarchy window, select a GameObject
  2. In Inspector window, click AddComponent button
  3. Select script you need

In the case of javascript, how to add a ‘js monobehaviour‘ to a gameobject? For example, we have a js monobehaviour:

// define a js monobehaviour
jss.define_mb("TestMb", function () {

    // called from c#
    this.Start = function () {

    // called from c#
    this.Update = function () {

Steps to add it to a gameobject:

  1. In Hierarchy window, select a GameObject
  2. In Inspector window, click AddComponent button
  3. Select JSComponent
  4. Set ‘Js Class Name‘ to ‘jss.TestMb‘

The main difference here is the use of JSComponent. JSComponent is an agent for javascript monobehaviour.

What does JSComponent do?

  1. Create a js object named ‘jss.TestMb‘
  2. Redirect MonoBehaviour‘s event funtions to js
  3. Destroy js object when its OnDestroy is called
public class JSComponent : JSSerializer
    int jsObjID;

    void initJs() {
        // 1 create js object
        jsObjID = JSApi.newJSClassObject(this.jsClassName);

    void Start() {
        // 2 call js Start
        CallJSFunction(jsObjID, "Start");

    void Update() {
        // 2 call js Update
        CallJSFunction(jsObjID, "Update");

    void OnDestroy() {
        // 2 call js OnDestroy
        CallJSFunction(jsObjID, "OnDestroy");

        // 3 delete js object

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时间: 2024-11-13 06:45:25

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