Windows 7上使用HP QC的问题

C(Quantity Center)是一款不错的测试管理工具,最近把公司的操作系统从Windows
XP升级到Windows 7之后,发现登录到QC
7上使用HP QC的朋友遇到该问题的时候,能过及时得到解决。下面是解决的步骤:

Step I:关闭UAC (User Account Control)

通过开始菜单搜索框,输入UAC,会出现Change User Account Control菜单项。选在该菜单弹出如下一个User
Account  Control Settingde 对话框。通过滚动条选择“Never notify”。然后重启机器。

Step II: 关闭DEP (Data Extension

以Administrator的身份打开命令行(通过开始菜单搜索框,输入CMD,右击CMD选项并选择Run as

bcdedit /set {current} nx AlwaysOff

Step III:重新下载客户端组件

开启HP QCExplore,或者直接利用IE,在地址栏输入QC Server的地址,确定后组件下载将会顺利进行:

Step IV:访问QC Server

等下载工作完成,你将能够正常使用HP QCExplore,或者直接利用IE,正常访问QC Server了。

Step V:恢复UAC设置


>> HP ALM / Mercury Quality Center

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Reged: 01/28/09
Loc: Canberra

QC client
install under windows 7

#595276 - 10/08/09 04:37 PM

Has anyone
sucessfully installed the quality center client under windows

When I try the active X objects fail to register. And I
was hoping for some guidance from HP support.

However, HP
inform me that support for QC under Windows 7 is an enhancment

Furthermore the HP Product marketing team say that
the "expected time when QC to support Win7 is after the 2nd half of

Which translates to me as - we have no Access to
Quality Center from now to sometime after June 2010.

I am
wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience.

have not yet given up on getting the the existing client installed
on Windows 7 but since HP support is apparently useless on this I
was wondering if this forum might offer some advice?

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Reged: 01/28/09
Loc: Canberra

Re: QC
client install under windows 7
[Re: ttguy]
#596551 -
10/14/09 04:31 PM

So I take back what I said about HP support being
useless on this. My suport case got bumped to a higher level and a
solution provided. Officially Windows 7 support for Quality Center
is still "second half of 2010" but the following method was proposed
by HP and worked for me to get QC9.2 client installed and running
on Windows 7.
The HP technician tested this method under QC10
too and reports it works. Kudos to KC from HP

Using QC with Win 7

7.0 includes many new security features to prevent users from
accidentally damaging the windows installation. This in turn will
prevent QC from being able to install properly. It is important to
understand that in Windows 7, a standard user with administrator
privileges is not equal to the built in administrator user.

Follow the instructions below to get QCclient to work
with win7.

1. Ensure that User control accounts setting is

  • a. in the Windows globe>search for program and files>
    type UAC

  • b. click on the link to bring up the UAC.

  • c. Move the slider down to never notify.

  • d. Restart the computer.

2. Disable Data Execution prevention

  • a. In the Windows globe>search for program and files >
    type CMD

  • b. Right click on the link and run as administrator.

  • c. In the command prompt type,

       bcdedit /set {current} nx AlwaysOff

  • d. Restart the computer.

3. Connect to the QCserver add-ins

  • a. Download and install the QClientSideSetup

4. Launch IE and connect to Quality Center and
should be able to work within QC.

5. Change the user control
accounts setting back to the original setting and

DEP will continue to be disabled as it prevents
data execution which is required for quality center.

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Junior Member

Reged: 02/06/02
Posts: 259
Toledo, Ohio USA

Re: QC
client install under windows 7
[Re: ttguy]
#596677 -
10/15/09 06:25 AM

thanks for
the info! We are potentially looking at Windows 7, so this
knowledge will help us greatly!

Appreciate the effort!


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Junior Member

Reged: 08/04/04
Posts: 508
Wellington, New Zealand

Re: QC
client install under windows 7
[Re: boliver46]
   #596807 - 10/15/09 05:22 PM

It should
be no surprise that this is the same as getting QC to run in a Vista
environment.. .. and there have been many posts repeating the ‘how
can I run QC in Vista‘ question/answer saga.

Win7 is after
all not too much more than Vista SP3.


... just
another Tester ...

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Windows 7上使用HP QC的问题

时间: 2024-08-08 09:25:27

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