Add a system call on Ubuntu 13.04(x64) with x86_64

We added a system call to modify idt table, then programed it
in modify_idt.c

1. Put our modify_idt.c file in /usr/src/linux-3.10.15/arch/x86/kernel

2. /usr/src/linux-3.10.15/arch/x86/syscalls#
vim syscall_64.tbl

add a new line



314     64      modify_idt              sys_modify_idt

3. Add the prototype of our system call in




asmlinkage long

4. Add the file to the Makefile in /usr/src/linux-3.10.15/arch/x86/kernel/Makefile

adding modify_idt.o to the list in obj-y += ...






obj-y                   := process_$(BITS).o signal.o entry_$(BITS).o

obj-y                   += traps.o irq.o irq_$(BITS).o dumpstack_$(BITS).o

obj-y                   += modify_idt.o    // adding this one

5. Do not forget to recompile & reload the kernel before

时间: 2024-12-30 20:34:40

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