implement "slam_karto" package in Stage simulation


ROS Wiki:


Reliance: open_karto -

fetch_gazebo -

pr2_navigation -

navigation_2d -

Implementing karto_stage.launch:

1. Error: ResourceNotFound: karto

Use crtl+shift+F to find all "karto" packages, and replace it as slam_karto.


For all $(find karto), we should modify them to $(find slam_karto).

2. ERROR: cannot launch node of type [stage/stageros]: can‘t locate node [stageros] in package [stage]

Use crtl+shift+F to find all "stage" packages, and replace it as stage_ros which is pre-installed in ROS.

3. err: Model type laser not found in model typetable (/tmp/binarydeb/ros-indigo-stage-4.1.1/libstage/ CreateModel)

    err: Unknown model type laser in world file. (/tmp/binarydeb/ros-indigo-stage-4.1.1/libstage/ CreateModel)


An easy solution: $ perl -p -i -e ‘s/laser/ranger/g‘ $(find . -name *.world) $(find . -name *.inc)


Use comment <!-- & --> to disable some lines to position the error source.


looks like you also have to wrap your laser in a "sensor" block...

define topurg ranger(  sensor(    range_max 30.0    fov 270.25    samples 1081  )  # generic model properties  color "black"  size [ 0.05 0.05 0.1 ])

Has now become:

define topurg ranger(  sensor(    range_max 30.0    fov 270.25    samples 1081  )  # generic model properties  color "black"  size [ 0.05 0.05 0.1 ])

4. rviz Robot Model Status Error ---- no robot model imported

Because there is no robot model imported. For now, just ignore it.

5. run slam in stage and rviz

$ roslaunch slam_karto karto_stage.launch

use Nav_goal in rviz to navigate the robot

时间: 2024-12-29 01:50:32

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