grouping sets 和cube基本知识。
基础知识可参考 http://blog.csdn.net/mashroomxl/article/details/22578471
grouping sets 适用于多维度统计,可以代替之前lateral view explode 方式
cube 相当于grouping sets 所有条件组合。
grouping sets 与lateral view explode方式比较
cube 使用碰到的情况
An additional MR job is introduced since the cardinality of grouping sets is more than hive.new.job.grouping.set.cardinality.
This functionality is not supported with distincts.
Either set hive.new.job.grouping.set.cardinality to a high number (higher than the number of rows per input row due to grouping sets in the query),
or rewrite the query to not use distincts. The number of rows per input row due to grouping sets is 32 (state=42000,code=10226)
解决方法:如错误日志描述给出的解决方法,可以通过修改 hive.new.job.grouping.set.cardinality 配置,或者在聚合中不用distinct来解决。
目前我们采用后者这个方式,可以通过在子查询中用group by去重,避免在聚合中用到distinct。