使用Active Database Duplication创建跨平台Data Guard设置 (Windows/Linux) (Doc ID 881421.1)

Using Active Database Duplication to Create Cross Platform Data Guard Setup (Windows/Linux) (Doc ID 881421.1)


Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Cloud Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - Version N/A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


NOTE: In the images and/or the document content below, the user information and environment data used represents fictitious data from the Oracle sample schema(s), Public Documentation delivered with an Oracle database product or other training material.  Any similarity to actual environments, actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended in any manner.??For the purposes of this document, the following fictitious environment is used as an example to describe the procedure:



This note outlines the required steps to create a physical standby database in Mixed environment using 11g RMAN Active Duplicate.  本说明概述了使用11g RMAN Active Duplicate在混合环境中创建物理备用数据库的必需步骤

You can configure cross platform (database that runs on a different platform  i,e. Linux and Windows) standby database using below Options:  您可以使用以下选项配置跨平台(在不同平台(即Linux和Windows)上运行的数据库)备用数据库

I) Using RMAN Active database duplicate command starting from 11g onwards. Backup-based duplication will only work if we have same file system structure/backup available on sbt device.  使用从11g开始的RMAN Active database duplicate命令。仅当我们在sbt设备上具有相同的文件系统结构/备份可用时,基于备份的复制才有效。
II) Take online backup using RMAN/Traditional method & restore it on standby site.  使用RMAN /传统方法进行在线备份,并将其还原到备用站点上。
II) Restore the offline backup of database.  恢复数据库的脱机备份。

Review below MOS document to check RMAN Mixed platform support:  复查下面的MOS文档以检查RMAN混合平台支持

Note 1079563.1: RMAN DUPLICATE/RESTORE/RECOVER Mixed Platform Support
<Note  413484.1>: Data Guard Support for Heterogeneous Primary and Standby Systems in Same Data Guard Configuration


Environment :

Database name for both hosts:  两个主机的数据库名称

Primary database:

Database version :
OS Make : Linux 32bit
db_unique_name : CHICAGO

Standby Database
Database version :
OS Make : Windows 32bit
db_unique_name : BOSTON

1. Create parameter file & Oracle Service with the ORADIM Utility for Standby:  ORADIM创建备用参数文件与Oracle服务

a. Copy source database parameter file into %ORACLE_HOME%\database\initBOSTON.ora  将源数据库参数文件复制到 %ORACLE_HOME%\database\initBOSTON.ora
Copy source database parameter File & modify the paths & set memory related parameters accordingly:  将源数据库参数文件复制并修改路径并相应地设置与内存相关的参数

Modify the following accordingly for windows host:  为Windows主机相应地修改以下内容:


Carefully set following standby parameters for example:  仔细设置以下备用参数,例如


Set following Primary parameters for example:  设置以下Primary参数


b. Creating oracle service will also create password file with initial password same as primary:  创建oracle服务还将创建初始密码与primary相同的密码文件

set ORACLE_HOME=<Correct Directory>

oradim -new -SID BOSTON -INTPWD primarySysPassword -STARTMODE auto -PFILE "%ORACLE_HOME%\database\initBOSTON.ora"

Startup nomount the auxiliary instance:  启动nomount辅助实例

sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL> startup nomount

2) Update tnsnames.ora on primary & standby systems. In this example, Chicago is Primary and Boston is Standby.  在主系统和备用系统上更新tnsnames.ora。在此示例中,Chicago is Primary and Boston is Standby

tnsnames.ora (on both systems): 在两个系统上

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <Host Ip Addr>)(PORT = <Port>))

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <Host Ip Addr>)(PORT = <Port>))

Make sure tnsping is working & you are able to connect to both databases using sqlplus from both the sites.  确保tnsping正常工作,并且您能够使用sqlplus从两个站点连接到两个数据库

3) Run active database duplication:

RMAN> connect target sys/<PASSWORD>@chicago; # Primary
RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/<PASSWORD>@boston; # Standby: tnsname used by primary
RMAN> run {
allocate channel prmy1 type disk;
allocate channel prmy2 type disk;
allocate channel prmy3 type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel stby1 type disk;
duplicate target database for standby from active database nofilenamecheck;

You can then configure this environment for Data Guard.  然后,您可以为Data Guard配置此环境
For compatibility matrix check   有关兼容性矩阵
Note 413484.1: Data Guard Support for Heterogeneous Primary and Physical Standbys in Same Data Guard Configuration


NOTE:413484.1 - Data Guard Support for Heterogeneous Primary and Physical Standbys in Same Data Guard Configuration
NOTE:1079563.1 - RMAN DUPLICATE/RESTORE/RECOVER Mixed Platform Support


时间: 2025-01-10 17:01:58

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说明:參考网络众多人的笔记及思路,加上自己亲身实践之后的整理笔记.仅供參考. Data Guard与RAC不同的是.在普通情况下.Standby仅仅有一个节点处于活动状态,全部的应用都连接到主server. 仅仅有当server发生问题时,才考虑切换到备用server. 在Oracle 11g曾经版本号中的的Data Guard物理备用数据库.能够以仅仅读的方式打开数据库.但此时MediaRecovery利用日志进行数据同步的过程就停止了,假设物理备用数据库处于恢复的过程中数据库就不能打开查询.

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