Car Flash ECU Programmer From autonumen

Whether you’re a home car owner or an auto mechanic — you can save thousands of dollars on car maintenance, save time and effort on repairs, and dramatically improve your cars lifespan/performance — by getting yourself a professional car diagnostics scanner.
They’re called Auto Scanner Tools. And will give you an instant overview of your vehicles condition by tapping into it’s computer chip.

more importantly, you can also obtain software that will allow you to
edit the cars performance data. Like adjusting RPM, fuel injection,
etc. This is what car performance shops charge thousands of dollar for —
to allow the car to operate more fuel efficiently, faster or with
stronger torque/BHP.
The good news is, you can do the same at
fraction of a cost, with a USB connection interface to your laptop, and
car ECU tuning software.

On vehicles, a list of flash updates that are available can be found on Vehicle PCM Calibration Information website at

The actual reprogramming procedure for a typical GM vehicle goes as follows:

the calibration history of the vehicle — Go to the web page at and see what latest program is for the vehicle using
the vehicle’s VIN number. If the programming has been updated to
correct a problem, it will be listed on the website
2.Connect your PC to the Tech 2 scan tool with a RS232 cable pass-through device.

3.Start the GM recalibration software program on your PC and enter the
vehicle application information (year, make, model, etc.).
4.Connect the Tech 2 scan tool to the diagnostic connector on the vehicle (located under the dash near the steering column).
5.Switch the Tech 2 scan tool on and wait for the Start Screen.
6.Validate the vehicle VIN number.
7.Choose the operating system, engine, fuel system, speedometer or transmission.
8.Select “normal reprogramming” or “VCI” (special modifications).
9.Choose the update bulletin/recalibration number from the menu.

10.Start the transfer of data. The reprogramming procedure takes about
three minutes, and can be done with the computer in or out of the
vehicle. The PC screen will display a blue progress bar as the software
is uploading to the vehicle.
NOTE: The GM setup won’t allow the
same calibration to be reinstalled over itself. Only an updated
calibration can be loaded into the vehicle computer.
11.When the software has finished loading, the message “PROGRAMMING COMPLETE” will appear.

12.The scan tool can now be disconnected from the vehicle (turn
ignition off first), and any subsequent relearning procedures that may
be needed such as the crankshaft position variation relearn procedure
can now be performed to finish the update.


时间: 2024-12-08 11:15:32

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