[Lintcode]183. Wood Cut

183. Wood Cut

  • 本题难度: Hard
  • Topic: Binary Search


    Given n pieces of wood with length L[i] (integer array). Cut them into small pieces to guarantee you could have equal or more than k pieces with the same length. What is the longest length you can get from the n pieces of wood? Given L & k, return the maximum length of the small pieces.


For L=[232, 124, 456], k=7, return 114.


O(n log Len), where Len is the longest length of the wood.


You couldn‘t cut wood into float length.

If you couldn‘t get >= k pieces, return 0.


class Solution:
    @param L: Given n pieces of wood with length L[i]
    @param k: An integer
    @return: The maximum length of the small pieces
    def woodCut(self, L, k):
        # write your code here
     # write your code here
        if L == []:
            return 0
        max = L[-1]
        l = 1
        r = L[-1]
            count = 0
            m = (l + r) // 2
            for i in L:
                count += i//m
            if count>=k:
                l = m+1
                r = m-1
        count = 0
        for i in L:
            count += i//m
        if count >= k:
            return m
            return m-1


  1. 切割的大小肯定小于最长木料长度,而从最长木料选择截取特定长的的时间复杂度是log(L)
  2. 共有n块木料,每个特定的长度要试n次
  • 时间复杂度: nlog(L) L为最长木料长度
  • 出错



[Lintcode]183. Wood Cut


时间: 2024-08-04 11:07:41

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