LeetCode 728 Self Dividing Numbers 解题报告


A self-dividing number is a number that is divisible by every digit it contains.

For example, 128 is a self-dividing number because 128 % 1 == 0128 % 2 == 0, and 128 % 8 == 0.

Also, a self-dividing number is not allowed to contain the digit zero.

Given a lower and upper number bound, output a list of every possible self dividing number, including the bounds if possible.


题目给出一个整数范围,要求输出该范围中的所有self-dividing number(包含边界数字)。该数字的特点是能被它所包含的所有整数整除且不包含零。可以遍历范围内的所有数字,对每个数字进行判断,符合要求的推进返回的列表中。判断条件的设置使用循环的方式,循环终止的条件应当是每次取余得一位数,那一位数为零则判断停止,循环内部拿到那一位数后对整体数字进行取余,若不为零同样跳出循环。出循环后通过判断剩下的位数的数字是否空了,若空了则说明符合条件,推入返回列表,否则不满足。


class Solution:

def selfDividingNumbers(self, left, right):


:type left: int

:type right: int

:rtype: List[int]


res = []

for i in range(left,right + 1):

temp = i

while(temp % 10):

if i % (temp % 10) != 0:


temp //= 10

if temp == 0:


return res


时间: 2024-09-28 17:38:55

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