1 {
2 type: ‘Numeric‘,
3 position: ‘bottom‘,
4 fields: [‘x‘],
5 title: xAxisTitle,
6 minimum: xRange.xMinimum,
7 maximum: xRange.xMaximum,
8 majorTickSteps: 5,
9 minorTickSteps: 10,
10 label: {
11 renderer: function(val) {
12 //lables: [5, 10, 20]
13 if (labels.indexOf(val) < 0) {
14 return ‘‘;
15 }
16 return val;
17 }
18 },
19 grid: true
20 }
1 // Build the array of steps out of the fixed-value ‘step‘.
2 steps = new Array;
3 for (val = +me.from; val <; val += step) {
4 steps.push(val);
5 }
6 steps.push(;
1 Ext.syncRequire(‘Ext.chart.axis.Axis‘);
2 Ext.override(Ext.chart.axis.Axis, {
3 /**
4 * Renders the axis into the screen and updates its position.
5 */
6 drawAxis: function(init) {
7 var me = this,
8 i,
9 x = me.x,
10 y = me.y,
11 dashSize = me.dashSize,
12 length = me.length,
13 position = me.position,
14 verticalAxis = (position == ‘left‘ || position == ‘right‘),
15 inflections = [],
16 calcLabels = (me.isNumericAxis),
17 stepCalcs = me.applyData(),
18 step = stepCalcs.step,
19 steps = stepCalcs.steps,
20 stepsArray = Ext.isArray(steps),
21 from = stepCalcs.from,
22 to =,
23 // If we have a single item, to - from will be 0.
24 axisRange = (to - from) || 1,
25 trueLength,
26 currentX,
27 currentY,
28 path,
29 subDashesX = me.minorTickSteps || 0,
30 subDashesY = me.minorTickSteps || 0,
31 dashesX = Math.max(subDashesX + 1, 0),
32 dashesY = Math.max(subDashesY + 1, 0),
33 dashDirection = (position == ‘left‘ || position == ‘top‘ ? -1 : 1),
34 dashLength = dashSize * dashDirection,
35 series = me.chart.series.items,
36 firstSeries = series[0],
37 gutters = firstSeries ? firstSeries.nullGutters : me.nullGutters,
38 padding,
39 subDashes,
40 subDashValue,
41 delta = 0,
42 stepCount = 0,
43 tick, axes, ln, val, begin, end;
45 me.from = from;
46 = to;
48 // If there is nothing to show, then leave.
49 if (me.hidden || (from > to)) {
50 return;
51 }
53 // If no steps are specified (for instance if the store is empty), then leave.
54 if ((stepsArray && (steps.length == 0)) || (!stepsArray && isNaN(step))) {
55 return;
56 }
58 if (stepsArray) {
59 // Clean the array of steps:
60 // First remove the steps that are out of bounds.
61 steps = Ext.Array.filter(steps, function(elem, index, array) {
62 return (+elem > +me.from && +elem <;
63 }, this);
65 // Then add bounds on each side.
66 steps = Ext.Array.union([me.from], steps, []);
67 } else {
68 // Build the array of steps out of the fixed-value ‘step‘.
69 steps = new Array;
70 if (me.fixedSteps) {
71 steps = me.fixedSteps;
72 } else {
73 for (val = +me.from; val <; val += step) {
74 steps.push(val);
75 }
76 steps.push(;
77 }
79 }
80 ...//此处省略其他原有代码
81 }
82 });
1 {
2 type: ‘Numeric‘,
3 position: ‘bottom‘,
4 fields: [‘x‘],
5 title: xAxisTitle,
6 minimum: xRange.xMinimum,
7 maximum: xRange.xMaximum,
8 fixedSteps: [5, 10,20],
9 grid: true
10 }
Extjs 4 chart自定义坐标轴刻度,布布扣,