在Python中使用protobuf2.6.1 string format utf-8 and unicode error


protobuf: v2.6.1

python: 2.7

关于在Python中使用protobuf时 string格式字段的编码问题



如果不做处理,在message 中定义了一个string类型的字段后,出现错误如下:


ValueError: ‘\xe5\x94\x90\xe6\x9e\x9c‘ has type bytes, but isn‘t in 7-bit ASCII encoding. Non-ASCII strings must be converted to unicode objects before being added.


1) 一劳永逸的方法-修改源码

  a. 文件../google/protobuf/internal/decoder.py

def StringDecoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed, key, new_default):
  """Returns a decoder for a string field."""

  local_DecodeVarint = _DecodeVarint
  local_unicode = unicode

  def _ConvertToUnicode(byte_str):
      #return local_unicode(byte_str, ‘utf-8‘) # 注释掉 不转码
      return byte_str
    except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
      # add more information to the error message and re-raise it.
      e.reason = ‘%s in field: %s‘ % (e, key.full_name)

b. 文件../google/protobuf/internal/type_checkers.py

class UnicodeValueChecker(object):

  """Checker used for string fields.

  Always returns a unicode value, even if the input is of type str.

  def CheckValue(self, proposed_value):
    if not isinstance(proposed_value, (bytes, unicode)):
      message = (‘%.1024r has type %s, but expected one of: %s‘ %
                 (proposed_value, type(proposed_value), (bytes, unicode)))
      raise TypeError(message)

    # If the value is of type ‘bytes‘ make sure that it is in 7-bit ASCII
    # encoding.
#    if isinstance(proposed_value, bytes):
#      try:
#        proposed_value = proposed_value.decode(‘ascii‘)
#      except UnicodeDecodeError:
#        raise ValueError(‘%.1024r has type bytes, but isn\‘t in 7-bit ASCII ‘
#                         ‘encoding. Non-ASCII strings must be converted to ‘
#                         ‘unicode objects before being added.‘ %
#                         (proposed_value))
    return proposed_value

2) 很烦的方法-手动转码

  在message中赋值时 都带上 decode("utf-8")

时间: 2024-12-25 12:14:22

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