Codeforces Round #266 (Div.2) B Wonder Room --枚举


解法:设新的a,b为a1,b1,且设a<b,那么a<=a1<=ceil(sqrt(6*n)),那么我们可以枚举a1,然后算出b1,如果b1<b,那么b1 = b,然后算出面积,取所有面积的最小值不就可以了,然后再枚举一次b1,处理与之相同即可。



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#define lll __int64
using namespace std;

int main()
    lll n,a,b;
    lll mini,a1,b1;
        mini = (1LL<<62);
        lll sum = (lll)6*n;
        for(lll i=a;i<=a+50000LL;i++)
            lll tb = sum/i + (sum%i!=0);
            tb = max(b,tb);
            lll tarea = i*tb;
            if(tarea < mini)
                mini = tarea;
                a1 = i;
                b1 = tb;
        for(lll i=b;i<=b+50000LL;i++)
            lll ta = sum/i + (sum%i!=0);
            ta = max(a,ta);
            lll tarea = i*ta;
            if(tarea < mini)
                mini = tarea;
                a1 = ta;
                b1 = i;
        cout<<mini<<endl<<a1<<" "<<b1<<endl;
    return 0;

时间: 2025-01-31 08:07:31

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