关于错误errno EFAULT:Bad address

UDP socket : read error Bad address

在写UDP server。在调用套接字读取的时候发生了这个错误。 通过看errno.h 能够看到相应的错误号  EFAULT:

Bad address (POSIX.1),在stackoverflow上看到的这个解释不错:
It happen if the memory address of some argument passed to sendto (or more generally to any system call) is invalid. Think of it as a sort of SIGSEGV in kernel land regarding your syscall.
For instance, if you pass a null or invalid buffer pointer (for reading, writing, sending, recieving...)。说明在对套接字上调用某些函数的时候传入了空指针等非法參数,的确如此。

时间: 2024-12-15 20:32:05

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