CodeForces 617D Polyline


using namespace std;

struct point
    long long x;
    long long y;

int main()

    if(p1.x==p2.x&&p2.x==p3.x) printf("1\n");
    else if(p1.y==p2.y&&p2.y==p3.y) printf("1\n");
    else if(p1.y==p2.y&&(p3.x>=max(p1.x,p2.x)||p3.x<=min(p1.x,p2.x))) printf("2\n");
    else if(p3.y==p2.y&&(p1.x>=max(p3.x,p2.x)||p1.x<=min(p3.x,p2.x))) printf("2\n");
    else if(p1.y==p3.y&&(p2.x>=max(p1.x,p3.x)||p2.x<=min(p1.x,p3.x))) printf("2\n");
    else if(p1.x==p2.x&&(p3.y>=max(p1.y,p2.y)||p3.y<=min(p1.y,p2.y))) printf("2\n");
    else if(p3.x==p2.x&&(p1.y>=max(p3.y,p2.y)||p1.y<=min(p3.y,p2.y))) printf("2\n");
    else if(p1.x==p3.x&&(p2.y>=max(p1.y,p3.y)||p2.y<=min(p1.y,p3.y))) printf("2\n");
    else printf("3\n");
    return 0;
时间: 2024-12-25 02:19:00

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