def text_creation(): path =‘D:/study/python3/w/‘ for name in range (1,11): with open(path + str(name) + ‘.txt‘,‘w‘ ) as text: text.write(str(name)) text.close() print(‘Done‘)text_creation() 二、设计一个复利计算函数 invest(),它包含三个参数:amount(资金),rate(利率),time(投资时间)。输入每个参数后调用函数,应该返回每一年的资金总额。它看起来就应该像这样(假设利率为5%):
def invest(amount,rate,time): print("principal amount:{}".format(amount)) for t in range(1, time + 1): amount = amount * (1+ rate) print("year {}: ${}".format(t,amount))invest(100, .05, 8)invest(2000, .025, 5) 三、打印1~100内的偶数 第一步打印出1-100的数
for i in range(1,101): print(i)第二步打印出其中的偶数
def even_print(): for i in range(1,101): if i % 2 == 0: print(i )even_print()
a_list = [1,2,3]print(sum(a_list)) 2.输出随机数
import random point1 = random.randrange(1,7)point2 = random.randrange(1,7)point3 = random.randrange(1,7) print(point1,point2,point3) 导入一个 random 的内置库,每次打印结果肯定是不一样的,其中 random 中的 randrange 方法使用起来就像是 range 函数一样,两个参数即可限定随机数范围。 3.骰子
import randomdef roll_dice(number=3,points=None): print(‘<<<ROLL THE DICE!>>>‘) if point is None: points = [ ] while numbers > 0: point = random.randrange(1,7) points.append(point) numbers = numbers - 1 return points 第2行:创建函数,设定两个默认参数作为可选,numbers --骰子数量,points一一三个骰子的点数的列表;第3行:告知用户开始摇骰子;第4-5行:如果参数中并未指定points,那么为points创建空的列表;第6-9行:摇三次骰子,每摇一次numbers就减1,直至小于等于0时,循环停止;第10行:返回结果的列表。 将点数化成大小
def roll_result(total): isBig = 11 <= total <=18 isSmall = 3 <= total <=10 if isBig: return ‘Big‘ elif isSmall: return ‘Small‘
第1行:创建函数,其中必要的参数是骰子的总点数:第2-3行:设定“大”与“小”的判断标准;第4-7行:在不同的条件下返回不同的结果。 最后,创建一个开始游戏的函数,让用户输入猜大小,并且定义什么是猜对,什么是猜错,并输出对应的输赢结果。
def start_game( ): print(‘<<< GAME STARTS!>>>‘) choices = [‘Big‘,‘Small‘] your_choice = input(‘Big or Small:‘) if your_choice in choices: points = roll_dice( ) total = sum(points) youWin = your_choice == roll_result(total) if youWin: print(‘The points are‘,points,‘You win !‘) else: print(‘The points are‘,points,‘You lose!‘) else: print(‘Invalid Words‘) start_game( )start_game( ) 第1行:创建函数,并不需要什么特殊参数;第2行:告知用户游戏开始;第3行:规定什么是正确的输入;第4行:将用户输入的字符串储存在your_choice中第5、13-15行:如果符合输入规范往下进行,不符合这告知用户并重新开始第6行:调用roll_dice函数,将返回的列表命名为points;第7行:点数求和;第8行:设定胜利的条件——你所选的结果和计算机生成的结果是一致的;第9-12行:成立则告知胜利,反之,告知失败;第16行:调用函数,使程序运行。 增加个赌钱的判断
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import randomdef roll_dice(numbers=3,points=None): print(‘<<< ROLL THE DICE! >>>‘) if points is None: points = [] while numbers > 0: point = random.randrange(1,7) points.append(point) numbers = numbers - 1 return pointsdef roll_result(total): isBig = 11 <= total <=18 isSmall = 3 <= total <=10 if isBig: return ‘Big‘ elif isSmall: return ‘Small‘def start_game( ): your_money = 1000 while your_money > 0: print(‘<<< GAME STARTS!>>>‘) choices = [‘Big‘,‘Small‘] your_choice = input(‘Big or Small:‘) if your_choice in choices: your_bet = int(input(‘How much you wanna bet? -‘)) points = roll_dice( ) total = sum(points) youWin = your_choice == roll_result(total) if youWin: print(‘The points are‘,points,‘You win !‘) print(‘You gained {},you have {}now‘.format(your_bet,your_money+your_bet)) your_money = your_money + your_bet else: print(‘The points are‘,points,‘You lose!‘) print(‘You gained {},you have {}now‘.format(your_bet, your_money - your_bet)) your_money = your_money - your_bet else: print(‘Invalid Words‘) else: print(‘GAME OVER‘)start_game( )
时间: 2025-01-12 00:24:19