VP9 Video Codec


WebM Repositories

libvpx: VP8/VP9 Codec SDK

pull http://git.chromium.org/webm/libvpx.git
push ssh://gerrit.chromium.org:29418/webm/libvpx.git
browse http://git.chromium.org/gitweb/?p=webm/libvpx.git
browse (mirror) http://code.google.com/p/webm/source/browse/?repo=libvpx
API Reference http://www.webmproject.org/docs/vp8-sdk/

对于很多带有WEBM/WEBP文件容器的码流需要进行demux才能解码(但是上面的libvpx内嵌了demux video,能够直接支持WEBM/WEBP的解码,不再需要另外附加下面的demux。对于其它的codec可能需要下面的demux支持):

libwebm: WebM File Parser

pull http://git.chromium.org/webm/libwebm.git
push ssh://gerrit.chromium.org:29418/webm/libwebm.git
browse http://git.chromium.org/gitweb/?p=webm/libwebm.git
browse (mirror) http://code.google.com/p/webm/source/browse/?repo=libwebm
pull http://git.chromium.org/webm/libwebp.git
push ssh://gerrit.chromium.org:29418/webm/libwebp.git
browse http://git.chromium.org/gitweb/?p=webm/libwebp.git
browse (mirror) http://code.google.com/p/webm/source/browse/?repo=libwebp


1. 如果运行

git clone 的时候发生:

fatal: fsync error ...., fatal : index pack failed 错误,原因是因为这个git 的目录的权限被改写成了只读,需要手工改成可写。

2. 如果编译过程中test编译不过去,可以disable,在有些版本的libvpx中好像缺少了test相关的代码。


3. VP9 High bitdepth debug版本的编译


./configure --disable-sse --disable-sse2 --disable-sse3 --disable-ssse3 --disable-vp8 --disable-mmx --as=nasm --disable-unit-tests --enable-debug-libs --enable-experimental --enable-vp9-high --enable-high-quant


VP9 Specific Options:

--cpu-used=            CPU Used (-16..16)

--auto-alt-ref=        Enable automatic alt reference frames

--noise-sensitivity=   Noise sensitivity (frames to blur)

--sharpness=           Filter sharpness (0-7)

--static-thresh=       Motion detection threshold

--tile-columns=        Number of tile columns to use, log2

--tile-rows=           Number of tile rows to use, log2

--arnr-maxframes=      AltRef Max Frames

--arnr-strength=       AltRef Strength

--arnr-type=           AltRef Type

--tune=                Material to favor

psnr, ssim

--cq-level=            Constant/Constrained Quality level

--max-intra-rate=      Max I-frame bitrate (pct)

--lossless=            Lossless mode

--frame-parallel=      Enable frame parallel decodability features

--aq-mode=             Adaptive quantization mode

off, variance, complexity, cyclic

--frame_boost=         Enable frame periodic boost (0: off (default), 1: on)

-b , --bit-depth=           Bit depth for codec (8 for version <=1, 10 or 12 for version 2)

8, 10, 12

--input-bit-depth=     Bit depth of input


vpxenc -w 352 -h 288 --codec=vp9 --passes=2 --i420 --profile=2 -o out.vp9 test.yuv --experimental-bitstream -b 12 --input-bit-depth=12


Pass 1/2 frame   64/65      9880B    1235b/f   37050b/s  351611 us (182.02 fps)

Pass 2/2 frame   64/40     72759B   61930 ms 1.03 fps [ETA  0:00:34]     822F    275F   454F    259F    187F   3967F    304F    327F    473F    136F    127F    209F    225F    159F    172F    105F   3322F    139F    305F    229F    445F    379F Pass 2/2 frame   64/64     86083B   10760b/f  322811b/s  106387 ms (0.60 fps)


VP9 Video Codec Summary

Show Contents

Last modified 2013-08-08

VP9, the WebM Project’s next-generation open video codec, became available on June 17, 2013. This page summarizes post-release VP9 topics of interest to the WebM community.

Status Updates

Acquiring VP9 (libvpx)

As of 2013-06-17, V

时间: 2024-12-05 06:08:45

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