FloatTest32 Example

Example Program The following example program pushes two floating-point values on
the FPU stack, displays it, inputs two values from the user, multiplies them, and displays their

TITLE 32-bit Floating-Point I/O Test (floatTest32.asm)
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
INCLUDE macros.inc
first REAL8 123.456
second REAL8 10.0
third REAL8 ?
main PROC
finit ; initialize FPU
; Push two floats and display the FPU stack.
fld first
fld second
call ShowFPUStack
; Input two floats and display their product.
mWrite "Please enter a real number: "
call ReadFloat
mWrite "Please enter a real number: "
call ReadFloat
fmul ST(0),ST(1) ; multiply
mWrite "Their product is: "
call WriteFloat
call Crlf
main ENDP
END main

Sample input/output (user input shown in bold type):

时间: 2024-08-03 14:59:57

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