//触发音乐播放和暂停,解决ios不能自动播放音乐问题 var once=1; (function(){ $("body").bind(‘touchstart‘,function(){ if(once==1){ bmusic(); } }) })() function bmusic(){ if (window.HTMLAudioElement) { try { var oAudio = document.getElementById(‘myaudio‘); var btn = document.getElementById(‘play‘); var audioURL = document.getElementById(‘audiofile‘); //Skip loading if current file hasn‘t changed. if (audioURL.value !== currentFile) { oAudio.src = audioURL.value; currentFile = audioURL.value; } // Tests the paused attribute and set state. if (oAudio.paused) { oAudio.play(); once=0; } } catch (e) { // Fail silently but show in F12 developer tools console if(window.console && console.error("Error:" + e)); } } }
时间: 2024-10-11 15:58:29