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An efficient and portable program that helps you keep an eye on any changes that may appear in user-defined folders, while offering support for filters and email notifications

Written by Ana Marculescu

TheFolderSpy is a lightweight software application built specifically for helping you keep track of any changes that may appear in certain user-defined folders.

The advantages of being portable

Since this is a portable program, it is important to mention that it doesn’t leave any traces in the Windows Registry.

You can copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices, and take it with you whenever you need to monitor folder changes on the breeze, without having to go through installation steps.

Intuitive interface

It sports a clean layout that offers quick access to a set of well-organized functions. Since it doesn’t require much computer skills to work with this tool, even rookies can master the entire process with minimum effort.

Folder monitoring options 

TheFolderSpy gives you the possibility to monitor multiple directories and subfolders as well. You can keep an eye on importing changes that may appear in the selected folder, such as creation, modification, deletion, or renaming processes.

It provides automatic folder monitoring options, which means that the changes applied to the selected directory are automatically displayed in the primary panel. Hence, you are offered details about the file, type (e.g. deleted, renamed), time, user, and executed file.

Filters and email notifications 

A great feature of this program empowers you to spy only user-defined file extensions, such MP3, AC3, AIFF, AVI, MKV, WMV, PNG, BMP, and JPG. Plus, you are allowed to write command-line parameters.

When it comes to notifications, the app lets you send emails in case a change is detected to the target folder, run a user-defined tool, and reveal notifications in the system tray area.

Additional options enable you to edit or remove the selected directories, restart the utility, save items, write logs, as well as set up the email parameters. Last but not least, you can pause or stop the monitoring process, clear the entire information with just one click, run the tool at Windows startup, as well as save the log to plain text file format.

An overall efficient folder monitoring utility

All in all, TheFolderSpy makes the entire process seem nothing but a piece of cake. It combines an intuitive layout with powerful features in order to keep track of folder changes.




时间: 2024-12-20 06:42:00



原文:文件夹搜索指定字符串软件 源代码下载地址:http://www.zuidaima.com/share/1554706879384576.htm 本程序主要功能是:找出指定文件夹中所有包含指定制字符串的文件.


常用apk或Pc软件的重要目录或文件或文件夹路径 01.hosts文件位置在哪里 C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/GaoNa/p/10984448.html


分析问题 FileSystemWatcher类型定义在System.IO命名空间下,它的功能是监控某个文件夹下特定文件系统的变化.这样的变化可以包括创建.文件修改.重命名.删除等.程序员可以通过设置一个NotifyFilters枚举类型的成员来订阅感兴趣的信息.下表列出了NotifyFilters的所有项及其代表的意义. 名称 说明 长度 Attributes 文件或文件夹的属性 4 CreationTime 文件或文件夹的创建时间 64 DirectoryName 目录名 2 FileName

无法删除 NTFS 盘上的文件或文件夹(对Windows文件的各种情况有比较详细的描述)

简介 本文介绍您可能无法删除 NTFS 文件系统卷上的文件或文件夹的原因,以及如何分析造成此问题的不同原因从而解决此问题. 更多信息 注意:在内部,NTFS 将文件夹作为特殊类型的文件进行处理.因此,本文中的“文件”一词可能指文件,也可能指文件夹. 原因 1:文件使用了 ACL 如果某个文件使用了访问控制列表 (ACL),您可能无法删除该文件.要解决此问题,请更改该文件上的权限.您可能需要拥有这些文件的所有权才能更改权限. 管理员具有取得任何文件所有权的隐含能力,即使未明确向他们授予针对此文件的


如何在Linux中管理文件和文件夹的权限? 2014-02-12 10:58 布加迪编译 51CTO 字号:T | T Linux系统有严格的权限管理制度,操作者权限与文件权限不匹配时将无法对文件进行任何操作.对许多Linux用户来说,习惯于文件的权限和所有权可能有点难度.本文从命令行开始入手,教您在Linux中管理文件和文件夹权限的方法. AD:51CTO学院:IT精品课程在线看! [51CTO精选译文]对许多Linux用户来说,习惯于文件的权限和所有权可能有点难度.人们通常认为,想进入到这种


除了基本r, w, x权限外,在Linux的Ext2/Ext3文件系统下,我们还能够配置其它的系统隐藏属性, 这部份可使用 chattr来配置,而以 lsattr 来查看. 文件默认权限:umask umask 就是指定眼下使用者在创建文件或文件夹时候的权限默认值. # umask 0022 <==与一般权限有关的是后面三个数字! # umask -S u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx 查阅的方式有两种.一种能够直接输入 umask ,就能够看到数字型态的权限配置分数,一种则是增加 -S (Sym


mkdir 目录名         => 创建一个目录 rmdir 空目录名      => 删除一个空目录 rm 文件名 文件名   => 删除一个文件或多个文件 rm –rf 非空目录名 => 删除一个非空目录下的一切 touch 文件名        => 创建一个空文件 重命名文件(夹) / 移动文件(夹)到指定文件夹 执行格式: mv source destination Example: mv file1 file2    => 将文件 file1,更改文件


前言 在windows下,有时候会碰到一些文件无法删除,尽量使用"管理员取得所有权" ,但文件或文件夹依然无法删除,这一点非常苦恼. 本文记录几款可以解锁文件占用的软件. LockHunter 推荐此软件:LockHunter - 右键解锁强制删除顽固文件(夹),并可查看占用锁住文件的软件进程 介绍:http://www.iplaysoft.com/lockhunter.html 官网下载:http://www.lockhunter.com/download.htm Handle ht


mkdir 目录名         => 创建一个目录 rmdir 空目录名      => 删除一个空目录 rm 文件名 文件名   => 删除一个文件或多个文件 rm –rf 非空目录名 => 删除一个非空目录下的一切 touch 文件名        => 创建一个空文件 重命名文件(夹) / 移动文件(夹)到指定文件夹 执行格式: mv source destination Example: mv file1 file2    => 将文件 file1,更改文件