mac 上面安装mysql-python


EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found


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Ok, well, first of all, let me check if I am on the same page as you:

  • You installed python
  • You did brew install mysql
  • You did export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
  • And finally, you did pip install MySQL-Python

If you did all those steps in the same order, and you still got an error, read on to the end, if, however, you did not follow these exact steps try, following them from the very beginning.

So, you followed the steps, and you‘re still geting an error, well, there are a few things you could try:

  1. Try running which mysql-config from bash. It probably won‘t be found. That‘s why the build isn‘t finding it either. Try running locate mysql-config and see if anything comes back. The path to this binary needs to be either in your shell‘s $PATH environment variable, or it needs to be explicitly in the file for the module assuming it‘s looking in some specific place for that file.
  2. Instead of using MySQL-Python, try using ‘mysql-connector-python‘, it can be installed using pip install mysql-connector-python. More information on this can be found here andhere.
  3. Manually find the location of ‘mysql/bin‘, ‘mysql_config‘, and ‘MySQL-Python‘, and add all these to the $PATH environment variable.
  4. If all above steps fail, then you could try installing ‘mysql‘ using MacPorts, in which case the file ‘mysql_config‘ would actually be called ‘mysql_config5‘, and in this case, you would have to do this after installing: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin. You can find more details here.

Note1: I‘ve seen some people saying that installing python-dev and libmysqlclient-dev also helped, however I do not know if these packages are available on Mac OS.

Note2: Also, make sure to try running the commands as root.

I got my answers from (besides my brain) these places (maybe you could have a look at them, to see if it would help): 1234.

I hoped I helped, and would be happy to know if any of this worked, or not. Good luck.

时间: 2024-10-31 09:19:34

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