eclipse install maven m2e-eclipse 离线安装m2e插件以及eclipse.ini配置-vm参数

Because of the work requirement, I need to use Eclipse version 3.7.2 (Indigo) & maven 0.10.2

But the network condition is so poor to install this maven online. So I need to search a way to install this offline.

1. Download all files from

Enter the folder of your required version, download 2 xml & all JAR files within features & plugins.

Make a folder in your PC named "m2e", put all these files into that folder. Don‘t change the folder structure.

Put the folder "m2e" directly into "dropins" folder in your eclipse directory.

2. Modify eclipse.ini and add -vm param.

If you launch eclipse now you will see a warning to let you change your ini file.

Edit your eclipse.ini file, add 2 lines before -vmargs. For example, mine is:

D:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_17\bin

After testing, whitespaces in the dir is allowed. OS: windows 7.

时间: 2024-12-15 23:37:31

eclipse install maven m2e-eclipse 离线安装m2e插件以及eclipse.ini配置-vm参数的相关文章


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