Linux GPIO Interfaces

That said, if the convention is supported on their platform, drivers should
use it when possible. Platforms must declare GENERIC_GPIO support in their
Kconfig (boolean true), and provide an <asm/gpio.h> file. Drivers that can‘t
work without standard GPIO calls should have Kconfig entries which depend
on GENERIC_GPIO. The GPIO calls are available, either as "real code" or as
optimized-away stubs, when drivers use the include file:

#include <linux/gpio.h>

Identifying GPIOs
GPIOs are identified by unsigned integers in the range 0..MAX_INT. That
reserves "negative" numbers for other purposes like marking signals as
"not available on this board", or indicating faults. Code that doesn‘t
touch the underlying hardware treats these integers as opaque cookies.

If you want to initialize a structure with an invalid GPIO number, use
some negative number (perhaps "-EINVAL"); that will never be valid. To
test if such number from such a structure could reference a GPIO, you
may use this predicate:

int gpio_is_valid(int number);

A number that‘s not valid will be rejected by calls which may request
or free GPIOs (see below). Other numbers may also be rejected; for
example, a number might be valid but temporarily unused on a given board.

时间: 2024-12-28 08:06:44

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欢迎转载,转载时需保留作者信息,谢谢. 邮箱:[email protected] 博客园地址: Csdn博客地址:   是平时自己word离线做笔记的,当发在网上才发现写的太宏观,不怎么容易看懂,今后做笔记会注意多贴代码. 1.   GPIO 1.1.  地址映射 如上所述: #define S3C24XX_VA_GPIO             ((S3C24XX_

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