[[email protected] ~]# cat #!/bin/bash # os_check() { if [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then REDHAT=`cat /etc/redhat-release |cut -d‘ ‘ -f1` else DEBIAN=`cat /etc/issue |cut -d‘ ‘ -f1` fi if [ "$REDHAT" == "CentOS" -o "$REDHAT" == "Red" ]; then P_M=yum elif [ "$DEBIAN" == "Ubuntu" -o "$DEBIAN" == "ubutnu" ]; then P_M=apt-get else Operating system does not support. exit 1 fi } if [ $LOGNAME != root ]; then echo "Please use the root account operation." exit 1 fi if ! which vmstat &>/dev/null; then echo "vmstat command not found, now the install." sleep 1 os_check $P_M install procps -y echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" fi if ! which iostat &>/dev/null; then echo "iostat command not found, now the install." sleep 1 os_check $P_M install sysstat -y echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" fi while true; do select input in cpu_load disk_load disk_use disk_inode mem_use tcp_status cpu_top10 mem_top10 traffic quit; do case $input in cpu_load) #CPU usage and load echo "---------------------------------------" i=1 while [[ $i -le 3 ]]; do echo -e "\033[32m Reference value${i}\033[0m" UTIL=`vmstat |awk ‘{if(NR==3)print 100-$15"%"}‘` USER=`vmstat |awk ‘{if(NR==3)print $13"%"}‘` SYS=`vmstat |awk ‘{if(NR==3)print $14"%"}‘` IOWAIT=`vmstat |awk ‘{if(NR==3)print $16"%"}‘` echo "Util: $UTIL" echo "User use: $USER" echo "System use: $SYS" echo "I/O wait: $IOWAIT" i=$(($i+1)) sleep 1 done echo "---------------------------------------" break ;; disk_load) #硬盘I/O负载 echo "---------------------------------------" i=1 while [[ $i -le 3 ]]; do echo -e "\033[32m Reference value${i}\033[0m" UTIL=`iostat -x -k |awk ‘/^[v|s]/{OFS=": ";print $1,$NF"%"}‘` READ=`iostat -x -k |awk ‘/^[v|s]/{OFS=": ";print $1,$6"KB"}‘` WRITE=`iostat -x -k |awk ‘/^[v|s]/{OFS=": ";print $1,$7"KB"}‘` IOWAIT=`vmstat |awk ‘{if(NR==3)print $16"%"}‘` echo -e "Util:" echo -e "${UTIL}" echo -e "I/O Wait: $IOWAIT" echo -e "Read/s:\n$READ" echo -e "Write/s:\n$WRITE" i=$(($i+1)) sleep 1 done echo "---------------------------------------" break ;; disk_use) #硬盘利用率 DISK_LOG=/tmp/disk_use.tmp DISK_TOTAL=`fdisk -l |awk ‘/^Disk.*bytes/&&/\/dev/{printf $2" ";printf "%d",$3;print "GB"}‘` USE_RATE=`df -h |awk ‘/^\/dev/{print int($5)}‘` for i in $USE_RATE; do if [ $i -gt 90 ];then PART=`df -h |awk ‘{if(int($5)==‘‘‘$i‘‘‘) print $6}‘` echo "$PART = ${i}%" >> $DISK_LOG fi done echo "---------------------------------------" echo -e "Disk total:\n${DISK_TOTAL}" if [ -f $DISK_LOG ]; then echo "---------------------------------------" cat $DISK_LOG echo "---------------------------------------" rm -f $DISK_LOG else echo "---------------------------------------" echo "Disk use rate no than 90% of the partition." echo "---------------------------------------" fi break ;; disk_inode) #disk inode useage INODE_LOG=/tmp/inode_use.tmp INODE_USE=`df -i |awk ‘/^\/dev/{print int($5)}‘` for i in $INODE_USE; do if [ $i -gt 90 ]; then PART=`df -h |awk ‘{if(int($5)==‘‘‘$i‘‘‘) print $6}‘` echo "$PART = ${i}%" >> $INODE_LOG fi done if [ -f $INODE_LOG ]; then echo "---------------------------------------" rm -f $INODE_LOG else echo "---------------------------------------" echo "Inode use rate no than 90% of the partition." echo "---------------------------------------" fi break ;; mem_use) #memory useage echo "---------------------------------------" MEM_TOTAL=`free -m |awk ‘{if(NR==2)printf "%.1f",$2/1024}END{print "G"}‘` USE=`free -m |awk ‘{if(NR==3) printf "%.1f",$3/1024}END{print "G"}‘` FREE=`free -m |awk ‘{if(NR==3) printf "%.1f",$4/1024}END{print "G"}‘` CACHE=`free -m |awk ‘{if(NR==2) printf "%.1f",($6+$7)/1024}END{print "G"}‘` echo -e "Total: $MEM_TOTAL" echo -e "Use: $USE" echo -e "Free: $FREE" echo -e "Cache: $CACHE" echo "---------------------------------------" break ;; tcp_status) #tcp connection status echo "---------------------------------------" COUNT=`netstat -antp |awk ‘{status[$6]++}END{for(i in status) print i,status[i]}‘` echo -e "TCP connection status:\n$COUNT" echo "---------------------------------------" ;; cpu_top10) # top 10 of cpu processes echo "---------------------------------------" CPU_LOG=/tmp/cpu_top.tmp i=1 while [[ $i -le 3 ]]; do #ps aux |awk ‘{if($3>0.1)print "CPU: "$3"% -->",$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,"(PID:"$2")" |"sort -k2 -nr |head -n 10"}‘ > $CPU_LOG ps aux |awk ‘{if($3>0.1){{printf "PID: "$2" CPU: "$3"% --> "}for(i=11;i<=NF;i++)if(i==NF)printf $i"\n";else printf $i}}‘ |sort -k4 -nr |head -10 > $CPU_LOG #循环从11列(进程名)开始打印,如果i等于最后一行,就打印i的列并换行,否则就打印i的列 if [[ -n `cat $CPU_LOG` ]]; then echo -e "\033[32m Reference value${i}\033[0m" cat $CPU_LOG > $CPU_LOG else echo "No process using the CPU." break fi i=$(($i+1)) sleep 1 done echo "---------------------------------------" break ;; mem_top10) #top of memory processes echo "---------------------------------------" MEM_LOG=/tmp/mem_top.tmp i=1 while [[ $i -le 3 ]]; do #ps aux |awk ‘{if($4>0.1)print "Memory: "$4"% -->",$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,"(PID:"$2")" |"sort -k2 -nr |head -n 10"}‘ > $MEM_LOG ps aux |awk ‘{if($4>0.1){{printf "PID: "$2" Memory: "$3"% --> "}for(i=11;i<=NF;i++)if(i==NF)printf $i"\n";else printf $i}}‘ |sort -k4 -nr |head -10 > $MEM_LOG if [[ -n `cat $MEM_LOG` ]]; then echo -e "\033[32m Reference value${i}\033[0m" cat $MEM_LOG > $MEM_LOG else echo "No process using the Memory." break fi i=$(($i+1)) sleep 1 done echo "---------------------------------------" break ;; traffic) # check network while true; do read -p "Please enter the network card name(eth[0-9] or em[0-9]): " eth #if [[ $eth =~ ^eth[0-9]$ ]] || [[ $eth =~ ^em[0-9]$ ]] && [[ `ifconfig |grep -c "\<$eth\>"` -eq 1 ]]; then if [ `ifconfig |grep -c "\<$eth\>"` -eq 1 ]; then break else echo "Input format error or Don‘t have the card name, please input again." fi done echo "---------------------------------------" echo -e " In ------ Out" i=1 while [[ $i -le 3 ]]; do #OLD_IN=`ifconfig $eth |awk ‘/RX bytes/{print $2}‘ |cut -d: -f2` #OLD_OUT=`ifconfig $eth |awk ‘/RX bytes/{print $6}‘ |cut -d: -f2` OLD_IN=`ifconfig $eth |awk -F‘[: ]+‘ ‘/bytes/{if(NR==8)print $4;else if(NR==5)print $6}‘` #CentOS6和CentOS7 ifconfig输出进出流量信息位置不同,CentOS6中RX与TX行号等于8,CentOS7中RX行号是5,TX行号是5,所以就做了个判断. OLD_OUT=`ifconfig $eth |awk -F‘[: ]+‘ ‘/bytes/{if(NR==8)print $9;else if(NR==7)print $6}‘` sleep 1 NEW_IN=`ifconfig $eth |awk -F‘[: ]+‘ ‘/bytes/{if(NR==8)print $4;else if(NR==5)print $6}‘` NEW_OUT=`ifconfig $eth |awk -F‘[: ]+‘ ‘/bytes/{if(NR==8)print $9;else if(NR==7)print $6}‘` IN=`awk ‘BEGIN{printf "%.1f\n",‘$((${NEW_IN}-${OLD_IN}))‘/1024/128}‘` OUT=`awk ‘BEGIN{printf "%.1f\n",‘$((${NEW_OUT}-${OLD_OUT}))‘/1024/128}‘` echo "${IN}MB/s ${OUT}MB/s" i=$(($i+1)) sleep 1 done echo "---------------------------------------" break ;; quit) exit 0 ;; *) echo "---------------------------------------" echo "Please enter the number." echo "---------------------------------------" break ;; esac done done
时间: 2024-12-30 10:07:37