How To Build Kubernetes Platform (构建Kubernetes平台方案参考)

  • Architecture
    • Architecture Diagram
      • Non-Prod Environment
      • Prod Environment
  • Cluster Networking
  • Container RepositorySetup
    • Minikube For Dev Env
    • Kubeadm For Non-Prod Env
    • Other IaaC For Prod Env
  • Devops
    • CI/CD
    • Source Code Management
    • PipeLine
    • Monitoring
      • Dashboard
      • Metrics
    • Security
      • Pod Service Account
      • Pod Security Policy
    • Auth
      • Authentication
      • Authenrization
      • Multi-Tenancy
    • Application Architecture
    • Microservice
    • Servcie Mesh
  • Training
    • Knowledge
      • Kubernets
      • ETCD
      • Containter
      • Networking
  • Orgnization & People


Architecture Diagram

Non-Prod Environment

Prod Environment

Cluster Networking

Kubernetes supports for third-party netwroking the cluster via CNI plugin. for more infromation, please see Cluster Networking.

According to this chinese blog, Principles and Solutions of Kubernetes Networking from Yourongyun the three top of CNI providers for kubernetes cluster based on VMs are Project CalicoFlannel, Weave Net.

And also, here is comparison of variable networking solutions,

If just only considering performance, Project Calico should be perferred.

Container Repository

Two options as follows,

Option 1, Private Repository, such as Harbor.

Option 2, Repositories from Cloud Providers, such as AWS ECR.


We can refer to Picking the Right Solution in Kubernetes offical document to select a setup solution. Considering our goal of building a kuberletes platform based on VMs in our on-premises data center.

Minikube For Dev Env

Minikube can be engaed to create a kubernets development in a local local single machine.

For more information about Minikube, please read Running Kubernetes Locally via Minikube.

Kubeadm For Non-Prod Env

Using Kubeadm, we can build a kubernetes cluster for non-prod environment, which runs master key components as containers.

For more Kubeadm information, please see Using kubeadm to Create a Cluster.

Other IaaC For Prod Env

For creating a kubernetes cluster on VMs for Prod Env, We need to a infrastructure automation tool, such as Ansible, to have this done.

Here is a reference of Creating Kubernets Cluster via Ansible



Source Code Management

For small and agile web projects, such SaaS applications, considering adopting GitHub Flow. For more information, please refer to GitHub Flow.

For desk or client applications, such PC desk application, ISO/Android App, or being different time windows for delivery and release of applications, considering GitLab Flow. For more information please refer to Gitlab Flow.




Using Kubernetes Dashboard as Web-based UI for Kubernets clusters to manage the cluster itself along with its attendant resources.

For more information, please see Web-UI(Dashboard).


Here is official suggested solution as follows. For more informaton, please see Tools for Monitoring Compute, Storage, and Network Resources

Grafana + Heapster / Prometheus + cAdvisor + InfluxDB

Heapster as a metircs aggregator and processor

InfluxDB time series database for storage

Grafana as a dashboarding and alerting solution

cAdvisor has been built in Kubelet, which collects host metrics like CPU, disk space, and memory utilization, in addition to container metrics.

And also, here is a practical example, How to Utilize the “Heapster + InfluxDB + Grafana” Stack in Kubernetes for Monitoring Pods.







Pod Service Account

For more information, please see the User Guide to Service Accounts.

Pod Security Policy

For more information, please see Pod Security Policies



For more information, please see Authenticating

Support SSO integration, such as SAML,AD OpenID, Auth2?


For more information, please see




For more information, please see Hypernetes: Bringing Security and Multi-tenancy to Kubernetes

Application Architecture


Here is a chinese blog about how to select open source tools for building a micorservice.

Servcie Mesh








Kubernetes Handbook (Chinese Version)


For more information, please see ETCD Document.



For moe information, please see


For more information, please see


OCI is a container specification named Open Container Initiative, consisting of OCI Runtime Specification and OCI Image Format


ip/route/iptables/ipvs etc

Container Netwroking


CNI - Calico/Flannel

CNM bridge/host/none/(overlay)plugin

Orgnization & People

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时间: 2024-07-31 16:35:59

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