
BOOLEAN MmIsAddressValid(
_In_  PVOID VirtualAddress


VirtualAddress [in]

A pointer to the nonpaged virtual address to check. The caller must ensure
that this 

address cannot be paged out or deleted for the duration of this call. Even
after the return from the call, you must not page out or delete this address.
If you do page out or delete this address, the return value might be
unreliable. Paging out or deleting this address might cause the computer to
stop responding (that is, crash).

Return value

If no page fault would occur from reading or writing at the given virtual
address, MmIsAddressValid returns TRUE.


if MmIsAddressValid returns TRUE,
accessing the address can cause page faults unless the memory has been locked
down or the address is a valid nonpaged pool address.




_In_  const VOID *lp,
_In_  UINT_PTR ucb


lp [in]

A pointer to the first byte of the memory block.

ucb [in]

The size of the memory block, in bytes. If this parameter is zero, the
return value is zero.

Return value

If the calling process has read access to all bytes in the specified memory
range, the return value is zero.

If the calling process does not have read access to all bytes in the
specified memory range, the return value is nonzero.

If the application is compiled as a debugging version, and the process does
not have read access to all bytes in the specified memory range, the function
causes an assertion and breaks into the debugger. Leaving the debugger, the
function continues as usual, and returns a nonzero value. This behavior is by
design, as a debugging aid.


This function is typically used when working with pointers returned from
third-party libraries, where you cannot determine the memory management behavior
in the third-party DLL.

Threads in a process are expected to cooperate in such a way that one will
not free memory that the other needs. Use of this function does not negate the
need to do this. If this is not done, the application may fail in an
unpredictable manner.

Dereferencing potentially invalid pointers can disable stack expansion in
other threads. A thread exhausting its stack, when stack expansion has been
disabled, results in the immediate termination of the parent process, with no
pop-up error window or diagnostic information.

If the calling process has read access to some, but not all, of the bytes in
the specified memory range, the return value is nonzero.

In a preemptive multitasking environment, it is possible for some other
thread to change the process’s access to the memory being tested. Even when the
function indicates that the process has read access to the specified memory, you
should use structured exception handling when attempting to access the memory.
Use of structured exception handling enables the system to notify the process if
an access violation exception occurs, giving the process an opportunity to
handle the exception.


IsBadWritePtr function

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Verifies that the calling process has write access to the specified range of

Important  This function is obsolete and should
not be used. Despite its name, it does not guarantee that the pointer is valid
or that the memory pointed to is safe to use. For more information, see Remarks
on this page.



_In_  LPVOID lp,
_In_  UINT_PTR ucb


lp [in]

A pointer to the first byte of the memory block.

ucb [in]

The size of the memory block, in bytes. If this parameter is zero, the
return value is zero.

Return value

If the calling process has write access to all bytes in the specified memory
range, the return value is zero.

If the calling process does not have write access to all bytes in the
specified memory range, the return value is nonzero.

If the application is run under a debugger and the process does not have
write access to all bytes in the specified memory range, the function causes a
first chance STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception. The debugger can be configured
to break for this condition. After resuming process execution in the debugger,
the function continues as usual and returns a nonzero value This behavior is by
design and serves as a debugging aid.


This function is typically used when working with pointers returned from
third-party libraries, where you cannot determine the memory management behavior
in the third-party DLL.

Threads in a process are expected to cooperate in such a way that one will
not free memory that the other needs. Use of this function does not negate the
need to do this. If this is not done, the application may fail in an
unpredictable manner.

Dereferencing potentially invalid pointers can disable stack expansion in
other threads. A thread exhausting its stack, when stack expansion has been
disabled, results in the immediate termination of the parent process, with no
pop-up error window or diagnostic information.

If the calling process has write access to some, but not all, of the bytes in
the specified memory range, the return value is nonzero.

In a preemptive multitasking environment, it is possible for some other
thread to change the process’s access to the memory being tested. Even when the
function indicates that the process has write access to the specified memory,
you should use structured exception handling when attempting to access the
memory. Use of structured exception handling enables the system to notify the
process if an access violation exception occurs, giving the process an
opportunity to handle the exception.

IsBadWritePtr is not multithread safe. To use it
properly on a pointer shared by multiple threads, call it inside a critical
region of code that allows only one thread to access the memory being checked.
Use operating system–level objects such as critical sections or mutexes or the
interlocked functions to create the critical region of code.

时间: 2025-01-06 23:41:22



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一. 类的扩充 1. 只要扩充原型类,就能动态更新到实例.例如:xxx.prototype.do = function() {//...}; 2. 不建议采用污染JavaScript的方法,如:Object.prototype.methods = function() {//...};   采用<权威指南>9.8.1中的方法添加属性,如:Object.defineProperty(//...); 3. 二. 类和类型 1. isPrototypeOf(); 2. 三. constructor属


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