Objective-C level-3

1 if

mrHiggieIsMean = NO;

if (mrHiggieIsMean) {
  NSLog(@"Confirmed: he is super mean");

2 if else

BOOL mrHiggieIsMean = [mrHiggie areYouMean];

if (mrHiggieIsMean) {
  NSLog(@"Confirmed: he is super mean");
  NSLog(@"No, actually he‘s really nice");

3 if - else if - else

NSNumber *meannessScale = [mrHiggie meannessScale];

if([meannessScale intValue] < 4) {
  NSLog(@"Mr. Higgie is on the nice side");
} else if([meannessScale intValue] < 8) {
  NSLog(@"Mr. Higgie is sorta nice but not really");
} else {
  NSLog(@"Mr. Higgie is definitely mean");

4 Equal strings

传递给 isEqualToString: 比较两个NSString,如果相同则会返回TRUE,反之返回FALSE。


if([myString isEqualToString:otherString]) {
  NSLog(@"Hello from inside the if!");

5 switch case

NSInteger day = getDayOfWeek();

switch (day) {
  case 1: {
  case 2: {
  /* snip Wednesday through Saturday */
  case 7: {

6 Switch on enums


typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, DayOfWeek) {
    DayOfWeekMonday = 1,
    DayOfWeekTuesday = 2,
    DayOfWeekWednesday = 3,
    DayOfWeekThursday = 4,
    DayOfWeekFriday = 5,
    DayOfWeekSaturday = 6,
    DayOfWeekSunday = 7
时间: 2024-10-10 23:34:12

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