1 // 账户类型包括门店和分公司 2 List<Object> scopeList = new ArrayList<Object>(); 3 scopeList.add(UserConstants.UserScope.STORE); 4 scopeList.add(UserConstants.UserScope.BRANCH_COMPANY); 5 params.put("scopeList", scopeList); 6 PageResult<UserDto> userPage = userService.getOtherAccountList(params);
1 <select id="getOtherAccountList" resultMap="UserMap"> 2 SELECT <include refid="columns" /> 3 FROM sys_user 4 <where> 5 <if test="scopeList !=null"> 6 AND scope in <foreach collection="scopeList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{item}</foreach> 7 </if> 8 <if test="account != null"> 9 AND account LIKE CONCAT(‘%‘,#{account},‘%‘ ) 10 </if> 11 <if test="shopId !=null"> 12 AND shop_id = #{shopId} 13 </if> 14 <if test="primary !=null"> 15 AND primary = #{primary} 16 </if> 17 <if test="status !=null"> 18 AND status = #{status} 19 </if> 20 </where> 21 order by id desc , create_time desc 22 </select>
时间: 2024-12-23 20:37:20