Thread and shared lock


 1 """
 2 synchronize access to stdout: because it is shared global
 3 thread outputs may be intermixed if not syschronized
 4 """
 5 import thread,time
 6 global num                                  #global var to be used by many threads
 7 num=0
 9 def cnt(id,count):                          # function run in threads
10     for i in range(count):
11         global num
12         #mutex.acquire()                     # lock the share var before execute
13         num +=1
14         time.sleep(0.5)                     # simulate read work
15         print(‘[%s] num= %s\n‘ %(id,num))   #print isn‘t interrupted now
16         #mutex.release()                     #release the lock for the other thread
18 if __name__ =="__main__":
19     #mutex=thread.allocate_lock()            #make a global mutex for lock
20     for i in range(5):                      #spawm 5 threads
21         thread.start_new_thread(cnt,(i,3))  #start threads
22     time.sleep(8)                          # wait for spawn thread work done,don‘t exit too early
24     print(‘main thread exitting‘)

2.把mutex 注释打开,有了mutex变量,每一个线程进入都会独占num变量,结果如下:

 1 """
 2 synchronize access to stdout: because it is shared global
 3 thread outputs may be intermixed if not syschronized
 4 """
 5 import thread,time
 6 global num                                  #global var to be used by many threads
 7 num=0
 9 def cnt(id,count):                          # function run in threads
10     for i in range(count):
11         global num
12         mutex.acquire()                     # lock the share var before execute
13         num +=1
14         time.sleep(0.5)                     # simulate read work
15         print(‘[%s] num= %s\n‘ %(id,num))   #print isn‘t interrupted now
16         mutex.release()                     #release the lock for the other thread
18 if __name__ =="__main__":
19     mutex=thread.allocate_lock()            #make a global mutex for lock
20     for i in range(5):                      #spawm 5 threads
21         thread.start_new_thread(cnt,(i,3))  #start threads
22     time.sleep(8)                          # wait for spawn thread work done,don‘t exit too early
24     print(‘main thread exitting‘)





时间: 2024-12-26 21:04:54

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