





#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void login(){
    int passcode1;
    int passcode2;

    printf("enter passcode1 : ");
    scanf("%d", passcode1);               //这里没有加取地址符号

    // ha! mommy told me that 32bit is vulnerable to bruteforcing :)
    printf("enter passcode2 : ");
        scanf("%d", passcode2);      //这里没有加取地址符号

    if(passcode1==338150 && passcode2==13371337){
                printf("Login OK!\n");
                system("/bin/cat flag");
                printf("Login Failed!\n");

void welcome(){
    char name[100];
    printf("enter you name : ");
    scanf("%100s", name);
    printf("Welcome %s!\n", name);

int main(){
    printf("Toddler‘s Secure Login System 1.0 beta.\n");

    login();     //这里连续调用了两个函数

    // something after login...
    printf("Now I can safely trust you that you have credential :)\n");
    return 0;


程序有栈溢出保护和NX(数据执行保护)看了大牛的wp之后,知道关键点在welcome这里,因为welcome这里开了一个有点大的数组,有没有可能改变login中passcode1或passcode2的值,因为welcome和login这两个函数是连续调用的,导致他们拥有相同的栈底。我们看一下passcode的反汇编代码。。objdump -d passcode

08048564 <login>:                     //这里是login函数
 8048564:    55                       push   %ebp
 8048565:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp
 8048567:    83 ec 28                 sub    $0x28,%esp        //分配栈空间
 804856a:    b8 70 87 04 08           mov    $0x8048770,%eax
 804856f:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%esp)
 8048572:    e8 a9 fe ff ff           call   8048420 <[email protected]>
 8048577:    b8 83 87 04 08           mov    $0x8048783,%eax
 804857c:    8b 55 f0                 mov    -0x10(%ebp),%edx       //看到这里是passcode1的内容作为参数传递给scanf
 804857f:    89 54 24 04              mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)
 8048583:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%esp)
 8048586:    e8 15 ff ff ff           call   80484a0 <[email protected]>
 804858b:    a1 2c a0 04 08           mov    0x804a02c,%eax
 8048590:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%esp)
 8048593:    e8 98 fe ff ff           call   8048430 <[email protected]>
 8048598:    b8 86 87 04 08           mov    $0x8048786,%eax
 804859d:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%esp)
 80485a0:    e8 7b fe ff ff           call   8048420 <[email protected]>
 80485a5:    b8 83 87 04 08           mov    $0x8048783,%eax
 80485aa:    8b 55 f4                 mov    -0xc(%ebp),%edx    //这里是passcode2的内容作为参数传递给scanf
 80485ad:    89 54 24 04              mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)
 80485b1:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%esp)
 80485b4:    e8 e7 fe ff ff           call   80484a0 <[email protected]>
 80485b9:    c7 04 24 99 87 04 08     movl   $0x8048799,(%esp)
 80485c0:    e8 8b fe ff ff           call   8048450 <[email protected]>
 80485c5:    81 7d f0 e6 28 05 00     cmpl   $0x528e6,-0x10(%ebp)    //第一个比较
 80485cc:    75 23                    jne    80485f1 <login+0x8d>
 80485ce:    81 7d f4 c9 07 cc 00     cmpl   $0xcc07c9,-0xc(%ebp)    //第二个比较
 80485d5:    75 1a                    jne    80485f1 <login+0x8d>
 80485d7:    c7 04 24 a5 87 04 08     movl   $0x80487a5,(%esp)
 80485de:    e8 6d fe ff ff           call   8048450 <[email protected]>
 80485e3:    c7 04 24 af 87 04 08     movl   $0x80487af,(%esp)
 80485ea:    e8 71 fe ff ff           call   8048460 <[email protected]>    //执行系统命令,关键点
 80485ef:    c9                       leave
 80485f0:    c3                       ret
 80485f1:    c7 04 24 bd 87 04 08     movl   $0x80487bd,(%esp)
 80485f8:    e8 53 fe ff ff           call   8048450 <[email protected]>
 80485fd:    c7 04 24 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,(%esp)
 8048604:    e8 77 fe ff ff           call   8048480 <[email protected]>

08048609 <welcome>:
 8048609:    55                       push   %ebp
 804860a:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp
 804860c:    81 ec 88 00 00 00        sub    $0x88,%esp
 8048612:    65 a1 14 00 00 00        mov    %gs:0x14,%eax
 8048618:    89 45 f4                 mov    %eax,-0xc(%ebp)
 804861b:    31 c0                    xor    %eax,%eax
 804861d:    b8 cb 87 04 08           mov    $0x80487cb,%eax
 8048622:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%esp)
 8048625:    e8 f6 fd ff ff           call   8048420 <[email protected]>
 804862a:    b8 dd 87 04 08           mov    $0x80487dd,%eax
 804862f:    8d 55 90                 lea    -0x70(%ebp),%edx       //name的地址
 8048632:    89 54 24 04              mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)
 8048636:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%esp)
 8048639:    e8 62 fe ff ff           call   80484a0 <[email protected]>
 804863e:    b8 e3 87 04 08           mov    $0x80487e3,%eax
 8048643:    8d 55 90                 lea    -0x70(%ebp),%edx
 8048646:    89 54 24 04              mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)
 804864a:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax,(%esp)
 804864d:    e8 ce fd ff ff           call   8048420 <[email protected]>
 8048652:    8b 45 f4                 mov    -0xc(%ebp),%eax
 8048655:    65 33 05 14 00 00 00     xor    %gs:0x14,%eax
 804865c:    74 05                    je     8048663 <welcome+0x5a>
 804865e:    e8 dd fd ff ff           call   8048440 <[email protected]>
 8048663:    c9                       leave
 8048664:    c3                       ret    

08048665 <main>:
 8048665:    55                       push   %ebp
 8048666:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp
 8048668:    83 e4 f0                 and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
 804866b:    83 ec 10                 sub    $0x10,%esp
 804866e:    c7 04 24 f0 87 04 08     movl   $0x80487f0,(%esp)
 8048675:    e8 d6 fd ff ff           call   8048450 <[email protected]>
 804867a:    e8 8a ff ff ff           call   8048609 <welcome>
 804867f:    e8 e0 fe ff ff           call   8048564 <login>          //连续调用,导致栈底是相同的
 8048684:    c7 04 24 18 88 04 08     movl   $0x8048818,(%esp)
 804868b:    e8 c0 fd ff ff           call   8048450 <[email protected]>
 8048690:    b8 00 00 00 00           mov    $0x0,%eax
 8048695:    c9                       leave
 8048696:    c3                       ret
 8048697:    90                       nop
 8048698:    90                       nop
 8048699:    90                       nop
 804869a:    90                       nop
 804869b:    90                       nop
 804869c:    90                       nop
 804869d:    90                       nop
 804869e:    90                       nop
 804869f:    90                       nop

从上面我们看到,因为welcome和login的栈底相同,看到name的地址在ebp-0x70, 而passcode1的地址在ebp-0x10, 0x70 == 112, 0x10 == 16

所以0x70-0x10 == 0x60 == 96,所以我们可以看到name的最后四个字节就是passcode1的值,所以我们可以利用welcome来改变passcode1的值,





80485e3:    c7 04 24 af 87 04 08     movl   $0x80487af,(%esp)
80485ea:    e8 71 fe ff ff           call   8048460 <[email protected]>

所以我们要知道printf的got地址,然后将它的地址改为 0x080485ea这个关键的地方。使用objdump -R passcode来看一下GOT表

[email protected]:~$ objdump -R passcode

passcode:     file format elf32-i386

OFFSET   TYPE              VALUE
08049ff0 R_386_GLOB_DAT    __gmon_start__
0804a02c R_386_COPY        [email protected]@GLIBC_2.0
0804a000 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   [email protected]_2.0          //printf的地址
0804a004 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   [email protected]_2.0
0804a008 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   [email protected]_2.4
0804a00c R_386_JUMP_SLOT   [email protected]_2.0
0804a010 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   [email protected]_2.0
0804a014 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   __gmon_start__
0804a018 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   [email protected]_2.0
0804a01c R_386_JUMP_SLOT   [email protected]_2.0
0804a020 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   [email protected]_2.7

我这里使用pwntools这个包来写利用脚本。因为scanf是要求%d输入,所以0x080485ea == 134514154



时间: 2024-08-29 06:50:04



passcode 下载下来的源代码 从源代码分析看出来,在scanf的时候passcode1和passcode2没有加地址符号,因此会存在题目中所说的警告. 这道题木一共两个函数,welcome和Login,在welcome中输入了name字符串,然后在Login中输入了passcode1和passcode2,在passcode1=338150(0x528E6)并且passcode2=13371337(0xCC07C9)的时候返回shell,得到flag. 想当然地: 竟然发现段错误.什么鬼.于 之 passcode write up

先看源码: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void login(){ int passcode1; int passcode2; printf("enter passcode1 : "); scanf("%d", passcode1); fflush(stdin); // ha! mommy told me that 32bit is vulnerable to bruteforcing :)


0x000打开环境 ①查看源码: 1 #include 2 #include 3 4 void login(){ 5 int passcode1; 6 int passcode2; 7 8 printf("enter passcode1 : "); 9 scanf("%d", passcode1); 10 fflush(stdin); 11 12 // ha! mommy told me that 32bit is vulnerable to bruteforcin

【LINUX】 cmd1 writeup

[email protected]:~$ ls cmd1  cmd1.c  flag [email protected]:~$ cat cmd1.c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int filter(char* cmd){ int r=0; r += strstr(cmd, "flag")!=0; r += strstr(cmd, "sh")!=0; r += strstr(cmd, &quo


pwnable从入门到放弃,第三题. Download : : Running at : nc 9000 很简单的一道栈溢出题目. 依然先读代码: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> void func(int key){ char overfl


pwnable从入门到放弃第八题. Download : : ssh [email protected] -p2222 (pw:guest) 先下载这两个文件:leg.c #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> int key1(){ asm("mov r3, pc\n"); } int key2

【PWN】 echo1 writeup

#Exploit for [email protected] #@Windcarp 2015.07.23 from pwn import * #init context(arch = 'amd64', os = 'linux') local=False if local: p = process("./echo1") libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/") else: p = remote("pwn

【】 asm

一道写shellcode的题目, #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <seccomp.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #define LENGTH 128 void sa

【】 codemap

pwnable新的一题. download: ssh [email protected] -p2222 (pw:guest) 这道题虽然是在pwnable下,但是是一道逆向题... //前web狗膜一发二进制大佬 根据提示,需要查看 0x403E65 运行时,寄存器 EAX,EBX 的内容. 先不考虑运行的内容,先看程序.首先这个程序没有加壳,直接可以用ida查看内容. 然后可以看到程序的框架,在main函数中,默默按下F5..