SAP Process Integration - High Level ERP/Integration Process --- Cargill Process Concept Design

  • Customer Industry: Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) application ,, Food Ingredients or Agricultural Supply Chain trading business
  • Possess broad understanding of SAP capabilities and integration –
  • OTSC:  Order & Trade Settlement to Cash [SD/GTS/GTM]

- which includes capturing the details of a sale to validate and coordinate its execution;

- providing support and services for customers related to order tracking, complaints, dispute resolution and product-related questions;

- and activities required to invoice customers and collect payments.

- Cover following areas: EDI, Vistex, Contracts, Pricing, Orders, and/or Master Data.

  • MGMS,  Manage Goods Movement & Storage [MM/WM]

- SAP modules - WM / IM / TPVS / TM

  • Includes all the business activities required to plan, optimize, move, transfer, store and manage the flow of goods and freight between origin and destination.This includes all raw materials, work in process, finished goods, ingredients, plant supplies, and MRO items that require transport and/or storage.  All transportation modes and shipments are included.  All storage facilities types, including elevators and transfer terminals, are included.  Includes inventory management and forwarding.

The specific Process focus areas in scope for Tartan and SAP implementation for this role are:

Various transportation modes: truck, rail, barge, pipeline, bulk marine, container, multimodal,

Various warehousing: terminal, elevator, warehouse, pile, tank, bin, rack, etcâ

Supply network optimization

Working capital optimization

Forwarding and associated documentation

[Transportation or Warehouse EDI messaging]

  • PLTP, Plan to Produce (PLTP) [PP/PM/QM]

- Including production planning, Quality and food safety management, plant capital management, inventory and plant maintenance and equipment

The Plan to Produce processes include manufacturing strategy definition;sales and operations planning, supply and demand planning, production planning, scheduling, and execution; manufacturing quality management, and the maintenance of plant, property, and equipment.

* Process design and analysis includes the identification and analysis of business and functional process requirements, process mapping (as-is and to-be), and the design of activities, tasks and sub-processes; designers will also be expected to coordinate with SAP specialists to translate process requirements into software configuration or development specifications, and will be expected to write and execute testing scenarios and scripts
* Application analysis includes the translation of process requirements and designs into system requirements and system configuration settings; designers will be expected to author functional specifications for software development
* Controls analysis includes the identification of process control risks and the design of process controls to mitigate or eliminate those risks; designers will be expected to implement and test business process controls for processes that are both manual and application-enabled
This role will focus onProduction Processareas including:
* Production processes for process industries
* Quality management
* Delivery of consulting services
* Reliability and maintenance
* Planning and scheduling
* Knowledge from these production types:
* Raw material
* Discrete disassembly
* Discrete assembly
* Process
* Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS)

  • PRTP, Procure to Pay

Procure to Pay (PRTP) process which includes the business activities required to procure direct and indirect materials and services: planning, sourcing, requisitions, contract management receiving, incoming quality inspection, contract settlement for trade purchase contracts, invoice validation, and the payment of suppliers and counterparties.

* SAP Materials Management (MM)
* SAP Finance (FI)
* SAP Accounts Payable (AP)
* SAP Global Trade Management (GTM)
* SAP Transportation Management (TM) 7.0

Accountable for successfully leading Cargill Strategic Sourcing SAP implementation and sustainment activities. Additionally, accountable for ensuring a common PRTP process design, sustainable operating results and ongoing process improvement across SAP and non-SAP systems and businesses.

Additionally responsible for managing a transactional procurement shared service center covering purchase order processing, contract administration, purchasing card administration and IT purchasing.

  • RTR Record to Report (RTR)  [FI/CO]
时间: 2024-08-27 17:18:17

SAP Process Integration - High Level ERP/Integration Process --- Cargill Process Concept Design的相关文章

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