Use emcli to delete obsolete agent targets in Oracle EM Cloud Control 12c

[[email protected] ~]$ cd /oem/oms/oms/bin

[[email protected] bin]$ ./emcli login -username=sysman
Enter password :

Login successful

[[email protected] bin]$ ./emcli sync
Synchronized successfully

[[email protected] bin]$ ./emcli get_targets | grep mwtest02
5       Under Blackout   host                  mwtest02                           
5       Under Blackout   oracle_emd            mwtest02:3872

[[email protected] bin]$ ./emcli delete_target -name=‘mwtest02:3872‘ -type=‘oracle_emd‘ -delete_monitored_targets
Target "mwtest02:3872:oracle_emd" deleted successfully

[[email protected] bin]$ ./emcli get_targets | grep mwtest02

[[email protected] bin]$ ./emcli logout
Logout successful
[[email protected] bin]$

时间: 2024-07-30 14:28:36

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