



	protected void initFilterBean() throws ServletException {
		synchronized (this.delegateMonitor) {
			if (this.delegate == null) {
				// If no target bean name specified, use filter name.
				if (this.targetBeanName == null) {
					this.targetBeanName = getFilterName();
				// Fetch Spring root application context and initialize the delegate early,
				// if possible. If the root application context will be started after this
				// filter proxy, we‘ll have to resort to lazy initialization.
				WebApplicationContext wac = findWebApplicationContext();
				if (wac != null) {
					this.delegate = initDelegate(wac);

  这个方法主要的作用就是获取filterName,通过filterName和类型从spring Bean容器中获取Bean然后赋予delegate。filtetName很显然是shiroFilter,然后这个类型就是Filter.class。


<bean id="shiroFilter" class="org.apache.shiro.spring.web.ShiroFilterFactoryBean">
        <property name="securityManager" ref="securityManager"/>
        <property name="loginUrl" value="${shiro.loginUrl}"/>
        <!--登录成功默认跳转页面,不配置则跳转至”/”。 如果登陆前点击的一个需要登录的页面,则在登录自动跳转到那个需要登录的页面。不跳转到此。 -->
        <property name="successUrl" value="${shiro.successUrl}"/>
        <!--没有权限跳转的链接 -->
        <property name="unauthorizedUrl" value="/login"/>
        <property name="filterChainDefinitions">
                /favicon.ico =anon
                /css/**     = anon
                /js/**     = anon
                /druid/** = anon
                /ecoupon/info/detail = anon
                /** = authc
<!-- 权限管理器 --><bean id="securityManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.DefaultWebSecurityManager">    <!-- 基于redis登录校验的实现 -->    <property name="realm" ref="systemAuthorizingRealm"/>    <!-- session 管理器 -->    <property name="sessionManager" ref="sessionManager"/></bean>


public Object getObject() throws Exception {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = createInstance();
        return instance;
protected AbstractShiroFilter createInstance() throws Exception {

        log.debug("Creating Shiro Filter instance.");

        SecurityManager securityManager = getSecurityManager();
        if (securityManager == null) {
            String msg = "SecurityManager property must be set.";
            throw new BeanInitializationException(msg);

        if (!(securityManager instanceof WebSecurityManager)) {
            String msg = "The security manager does not implement the WebSecurityManager interface.";
            throw new BeanInitializationException(msg);

        FilterChainManager manager = createFilterChainManager();

        //Expose the constructed FilterChainManager by first wrapping it in a
        // FilterChainResolver implementation. The AbstractShiroFilter implementations
        // do not know about FilterChainManagers - only resolvers:
        PathMatchingFilterChainResolver chainResolver = new PathMatchingFilterChainResolver();

        //Now create a concrete ShiroFilter instance and apply the acquired SecurityManager and built
        //FilterChainResolver.  It doesn‘t matter that the instance is an anonymous inner class
        //here - we‘re just using it because it is a concrete AbstractShiroFilter instance that accepts
        //injection of the SecurityManager and FilterChainResolver:
        return new SpringShiroFilter((WebSecurityManager) securityManager, chainResolver);

  所以最后肯定就会获取到SpringShiroFilter对应的bean。其实就是最后new SpringShiroFilter((WebSecurityManager) securityManager, chainResolver)产生的对象,



	public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
			throws ServletException, IOException {

		// Lazily initialize the delegate if necessary.
		Filter delegateToUse = this.delegate;
		if (delegateToUse == null) {
			synchronized (this.delegateMonitor) {
				if (this.delegate == null) {
					WebApplicationContext wac = findWebApplicationContext();
					if (wac == null) {
						throw new IllegalStateException("No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?");
					this.delegate = initDelegate(wac);
				delegateToUse = this.delegate;

		// Let the delegate perform the actual doFilter operation.
		invokeDelegate(delegateToUse, request, response, filterChain);


delegateToUse这个我们也获取到了,后面最重要的是invokeDelegate(delegateToUse, request, response, filterChain)这个方法。后面会调用OncePerRequestFilter中的doFilter方法,很简单,这个是SpringShiroFilter的父类,然后就会执行doFilterInternal的实现,这个实现在AbstractShiroFilter中。重点来了,


 protected void doFilterInternal(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, final FilterChain chain)
            throws ServletException, IOException {

        Throwable t = null;

        try {       这里就是对serverRequest和serverResponse包装
            final ServletRequest request = prepareServletRequest(servletRequest, servletResponse, chain);
            final ServletResponse response = prepareServletResponse(request, servletResponse, chain);
            final Subject subject = createSubject(request, response);

            //noinspection unchecked       这个会执行SubjectCallAble中的call方法将生成的subject对象绑定到ThreadContext中,这个原理很简单,就是ThreadLocal对当前线程进行绑定。
            subject.execute(new Callable() {
                public Object call() throws Exception {            绑定到当前线程之后,更新session最后获取时间。
                    updateSessionLastAccessTime(request, response);
                    executeChain(request, response, chain);
                    return null;
        } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
            t = ex.getCause();
        } catch (Throwable throwable) {
            t = throwable;

        if (t != null) {
            if (t instanceof ServletException) {
                throw (ServletException) t;
            if (t instanceof IOException) {
                throw (IOException) t;
            //otherwise it‘s not one of the two exceptions expected by the filter method signature - wrap it in one:
            String msg = "Filtered request failed.";
            throw new ServletException(msg, t);


public Subject createSubject(SubjectContext subjectContext) {
        //create a copy so we don‘t modify the argument‘s backing map:     很简单,这个就是相当于包装,把subjectContext包装进去。
        SubjectContext context = copy(subjectContext);

        context = ensureSecurityManager(context);

        context = resolveSession(context);
                这个其实没啥用,使用认证信息和权限信息缓存时才会有用,这个在多节点的服务来说,基本不会在服务器做这个,相当于把一个Map的key放进context中,第一次进来,肯定是空。        等到认证完成后,才会有值,是从session中获取的。    
        context = resolvePrincipals(context);
    Subject subject = doCreateSubject(context); save(subject); return subject; }        // 将认证状态和上面说的那个key放到session中,刚开始肯定什么都不做,都是空。登陆后才会真正在session中写入。    save(subject);

    return subject;





public void login(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
        clearRunAsIdentitiesInternal();     获取登陆中的subject,解释在下面方法中。
        Subject subject = securityManager.login(this, token);

        PrincipalCollection principals;

        String host = null;

        if (subject instanceof DelegatingSubject) {
            DelegatingSubject delegating = (DelegatingSubject) subject;
            //we have to do this in case there are assumed identities - we don‘t want to lose the ‘real‘ principals:
            principals = delegating.principals;
            host =;
        } else {
            principals = subject.getPrincipals();

        if (principals == null || principals.isEmpty()) {
            String msg = "Principals returned from securityManager.login( token ) returned a null or " +
                    "empty value.  This value must be non null and populated with one or more elements.";
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
        this.principals = principals;
        this.authenticated = true;
        if (token instanceof HostAuthenticationToken) {
            host = ((HostAuthenticationToken) token).getHost();
        if (host != null) {
   = host;
        }     // 从登陆中的subject中获取session,并将session放入filter中生成的subject。
        Session session = subject.getSession(false);
        if (session != null) {
            this.session = decorate(session);
        } else {
            this.session = null;
public Subject login(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
        AuthenticationInfo info;
        try {     // 在自己实现的Realm中进行认证并获取认证信息
            info = authenticate(token);
        } catch (AuthenticationException ae) {
            try {
                onFailedLogin(token, ae, subject);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "onFailedLogin method threw an " +
                            "exception.  Logging and propagating original AuthenticationException.", e);
            throw ae; //propagate
     将token和info还有以前的subject来创建登陆中的subject,这是一个新的subject,此处会在服务端生成一个session,并将一些信息返回给写入     如:认证状态和上面说的那个无用的key。
        Subject loggedIn = createSubject(token, info, subject);

        onSuccessfulLogin(token, info, loggedIn);

        return loggedIn;






  为了解决这个问题,可以不要使用默认的sessionManager(如果没有配置就是默认的ServletContainerSessionManager)。  配置使用DefaultWebSessionManager,然后在内部配置实现。
<!-- 权限管理器 --><bean id="securityManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.DefaultWebSecurityManager">    <!-- 基于redis登录校验的实现 -->    <property name="realm" ref="systemAuthorizingRealm"/>    <!-- session 管理器 -->    <property name="sessionManager" ref="sessionManager"/></bean>
<bean id="sessionManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager">    <!--session 超时时间:30分钟 -->    <property name="globalSessionTimeout" value="${shiro.sessionTimeout}"/>    <property name="sessionIdCookie" ref="sessionIdCookie"/>    <!--持久化shiro session,以适应集群环境-->    <property name="sessionDAO" ref="redisSessionDao"/></bean>
<!-- 指定本系统SESSIONID, 默认为: JSESSIONID 问题: 与SERVLET容器名冲突, 如JETTY, TOMCAT    等默认JSESSIONID, 当跳出SHIRO SERVLET时如ERROR-PAGE容器会为JSESSIONID重新分配值导致登录会话丢失! --><bean id="sessionIdCookie" class="org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.SimpleCookie">    <constructor-arg value="${shiro.sid}"/>    <property name="httpOnly" value="true"/>    <property name="domain" value="${shiro.domain}"/></bean>

<bean id="redisSessionDao" class="com.***.***.shiro.RedisSessionDAO">    <property name="expire" value="2700"/>    <property name="keyPrefix" value="${shiro.sessionkey}"/></bean>
 使用redis作为存储session的容器就可以完美的解决了,另外cookie也完全可以自定义,不必完全是JsessionId。 中间过程很简单,就不一一叙述了。  
protected void mergePrincipals(Subject subject) {
        //merge PrincipalCollection state:

        PrincipalCollection currentPrincipals = null;

        //SHIRO-380: added if/else block - need to retain original (source) principals
        //This technique (reflection) is only temporary - a proper long term solution needs to be found,
        //but this technique allowed an immediate fix that is API point-version forwards and backwards compatible
        //A more comprehensive review / cleaning of runAs should be performed for Shiro 1.3 / 2.0 +
        if (subject.isRunAs() && subject instanceof DelegatingSubject) {
            try {
                Field field = DelegatingSubject.class.getDeclaredField("principals");
                currentPrincipals = (PrincipalCollection)field.get(subject);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to access DelegatingSubject principals property.", e);
        if (currentPrincipals == null || currentPrincipals.isEmpty()) {
            currentPrincipals = subject.getPrincipals();
        Session session = subject.getSession(false);

        if (session == null) {
            if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(currentPrincipals)) {          获取session,获取不到会自己创建,这个在shiro中实现的居然直接是uuid,有点随意啊。
                session = subject.getSession();
                session.setAttribute(DefaultSubjectContext.PRINCIPALS_SESSION_KEY, currentPrincipals);
            //otherwise no session and no principals - nothing to save
        } else {
            PrincipalCollection existingPrincipals =
                    (PrincipalCollection) session.getAttribute(DefaultSubjectContext.PRINCIPALS_SESSION_KEY);

            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(currentPrincipals)) {
                if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(existingPrincipals)) {
                //otherwise both are null or empty - no need to update the session
            } else {
                if (!currentPrincipals.equals(existingPrincipals)) {
                    session.setAttribute(DefaultSubjectContext.PRINCIPALS_SESSION_KEY, currentPrincipals);
                //otherwise they‘re the same - no need to update the session


public class RedisSessionDAO extends AbstractSessionDAO {

    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisSessionDAO.class);

     * The Redis key prefix for the sessions
    private String keyPrefix = "shiro_redis_session:";

     * redis 缓存过期时间/秒
    private int expire = 60 * 60;

     * save session
     * @param session
     * @throws UnknownSessionException
    private void saveSession(Session session) throws UnknownSessionException {
        if (session == null || session.getId() == null) {
            logger.error("session or session id is null");
        byte[] key = getByteKey(session.getId());
        byte[] value = SerializeUtils.serialize(session);
        session.setTimeout(expire * 1000);
        RedisUtils.set(key, value, expire);

    public void update(Session session) throws UnknownSessionException {

    public void delete(Session session) {
        if (session == null || session.getId() == null) {
            logger.error("session or session id is null");

    public Collection<Session> getActiveSessions() {
        Set<Session> sessions = new HashSet<>();
        Set<byte[]> keys = RedisUtils.keys(this.keyPrefix + "*");
        if (keys != null && keys.size() > 0) {
            for (byte[] key : keys) {
                Session s = (Session) SerializeUtils.deserialize(RedisUtils.get(key));
        return sessions;

    protected Serializable doCreate(Session session) {
        Serializable sessionId = this.generateSessionId(session);
        this.assignSessionId(session, sessionId);
        return sessionId;

    protected Session doReadSession(Serializable sessionId) {
        logger.debug("doReadSession,sessionId:{}", sessionId);
        if (sessionId == null) {
            logger.error("session id is null");
            return null;
        try {
            return (Session) SerializeUtils.deserialize(RedisUtils.get(this.getByteKey(sessionId)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Failed to deserialize", e);
            return null;

     * 获得byte[]型的key
     * @param sessionId
     * @return
    private byte[] getByteKey(Serializable sessionId) {
        String preKey = this.keyPrefix + sessionId;
        return preKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

     * Returns the Redis session keys
     * prefix.
     * @return The prefix
    public String getKeyPrefix() {
        return keyPrefix;

     * Sets the Redis sessions key
     * prefix.
     * @param keyPrefix The prefix
    public void setKeyPrefix(String keyPrefix) {
        this.keyPrefix = keyPrefix;

    public int getExpire() {
        return expire;

    public void setExpire(int expire) {
        this.expire = expire;






时间: 2024-08-29 03:05:33


(转) shiro权限框架详解06-shiro与web项目整合(上) shiro和web项目整合,实现类似真实项目的应用 本文中使用的项目架构是springMVC+mybatis,所以我们是基于搭建好的项目进行改造的. 将shiro整合到web应用中 登录 退出 认证信息在页面展现,也就是显示菜单 shiro的过滤器 将shiro整合到web应用中 数据库脚步 sql脚步放到项目中,项目上传到共享的资源中,文章最后给出共享url. 去除项目中不使用shi

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