Object Detection

Object Detection

Transmission Gate


Transmission Gate

Principal Component Analysis(PCA)

Feature Pyramid Network(FPN)

Regions with Convolution Neural Network(R-CNN)

Region of Interest(RoI)

Single Shot MultiBox Detector(SSD)

Transmission Gate

Logistic Regression(LR)

Click-Through Rate Prediction(CTR)

The Unknown Word

The First Column The Second Column
instance segmentation 实例分割
segmentation [segmen‘tation]分割
pyramid [‘piremid]金字塔
modulation [modju‘leition]调制,调幅度
fps frames per second 每秒17帧
resolution 分辨率[reze‘lution]
anchor 锚(初始化区域)
RoI Region of Interest 感兴趣区域
pooling 汇聚层
mean average precision
concave [ka:n‘keiv] 凹的
convergence [Ken‘ve:gens]集合
perception [per‘seption]知觉,感知
combo [‘kombou]组合体 combo box [组合框]
downsampling layer 下采样层
rectified rectify[‘rekte fai]改正,校正
Fascinating illustration 迷人的插图
LiDAR 激光雷达[‘laide]
autonomous [o:‘ta:nemes]自主的
vehicle [‘vi:hikl]车辆[‘vi:ekl]车辆


时间: 2024-07-29 19:38:12

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