[翻译] SSKeychain



SSKeychain is a simple wrapper for accessing accounts, getting passwords, setting passwords, and deleting passwords using the system Keychain on Mac OS X and iOS.


Adding to Your Project

Simply add the following to your Podfile if you‘re using CocoaPods:


pod ‘SSKeychain‘

or Cartfile if you‘re using Carthage:


github "soffes/SSKeychain"

To manually add to your project:


  1. Add Security.framework to your target 添加Security.framework框架
  2. Add SSKeychain.hSSKeychain.mSSKeychainQuery.h, and SSKeychainQuery.m to your project. 将SSKeychain.hSSKeychain.mSSKeychainQuery.h, 与 SSKeychainQuery.m添加到你的项目当中.

SSKeychain requires ARC.


Note: Currently SSKeychain does not support Mac OS 10.6.

注意:当前的SSKeychain并不支持Mac OS 10.6

Working with the Keychain

SSKeychain has the following class methods for working with the system keychain:


+ (NSArray *)allAccounts;
+ (NSArray *)accountsForService:(NSString *)serviceName;
+ (NSString *)passwordForService:(NSString *)serviceName account:(NSString *)account;
+ (BOOL)deletePasswordForService:(NSString *)serviceName account:(NSString *)account;
+ (BOOL)setPassword:(NSString *)password forService:(NSString *)serviceName account:(NSString *)account;

Easy as that. (See SSKeychain.h and SSKeychainQuery.h for all of the methods.)

是不是很简单.(你可以在 SSKeychain.h 与 SSKeychainQuery.h 中看到所有相关方法)


Read the online documentation.



If your saving to the keychain fails, use the NSError object to handle it. You can invoke [error code]to get the numeric error code. A few values are defined in SSKeychain.h, and the rest in SecBase.h.


NSError *error = nil;
SSKeychainQuery *query = [[SSKeychainQuery alloc] init];
query.service = @"MyService";
query.account = @"soffes";
[query fetch:&error];

if ([error code] == errSecItemNotFound) {
    NSLog(@"Password not found");
} else if (error != nil) {
    NSLog(@"Some other error occurred: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

Obviously, you should do something more sophisticated. You can just call [error localizedDescription] if all you need is the error message.


Working with the keychain is pretty sucky. You should really check for errors and failures. This library doesn‘t make it any more stable, it just wraps up all of the annoying C APIs.


This was originally inspired by EMKeychain and SDKeychain (both of which are now gone). Thanks to the authors. SSKeychain has since switched to a simpler implementation that was abstracted fromSSToolkit.

A huge thanks to Caleb Davenport for leading the way on version 1.0 of SSKeychain.

时间: 2024-12-22 01:33:04

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