ural 1072. Routing

1072. Routing

Time limit: 1.0 second
Memory limit: 64 MB

There is a TCP/IP net of several computers. It means that:

  1. Each computer has one or more net interfaces.
  2. Each interface is identified by its IP-address and a subnet mask — these are two four-byte numbers with a point after each byte. A subnet mask has a binary representation as follows: there are k 1-bits, then — m 0-bits, k+m=8*4=32 (e.g., — is an IP-address and — is a subnet mask).
  3. Two computers belong to the same subnet, if and only if (IP1 AND NetMask1) = (IP2 AND NetMask2), where IPi and NetMaski — are an IP-address and subnet mask of i-th computer, AND — is bitwise.
  4. A packet is transmitted between two computers of one subnet directly.
  5. If two computers belong to different subnets, a packet is to be transmitted via some other computers. The packet can pass from one subnet to another only on computer that has both subnets interfaces.

Your task is to find the shortest way of a packet between two given computers.


The first line contains a number N — an amount of computers in the net, then go N sections, describing interfaces of each computer. There is a number K in the first line of a section — that is an amount of interfaces of the computer, then go K lines — descriptions of the interfaces, i.e. its IP-address and a subnet mask. The last line of an input contains two integers — the numbers of the computers that you are to find a way between them.

You may assume that 2 ≤ N ≤ 90 and K ≤ 5.


The word “Yes” if the route exists, then in the next line the computer numbers passed by the packet, separated with a space. The word “No” otherwise.


input output
1 6
1 3 5 6

Problem Author: Evgeny Kobzev
Problem Source: Ural State Univerisity Personal Contest Online February‘2001 Students Session

Tags: graph theory  (hide tags for unsolved problems)

Difficulty: 464

题意:给出n台计算机,每台计算机有若干对IP地址以及子网掩码,当且仅当存在(IP地址i AND 子网掩码i) = (IP地址j AND 子网掩码j)时,两台计算机才可以联系。




  1 /**
  2 Create By yzx - stupidboy
  3 */
  4 #include <cstdio>
  5 #include <cstring>
  6 #include <cstdlib>
  7 #include <cmath>
  8 #include <deque>
  9 #include <vector>
 10 #include <queue>
 11 #include <iostream>
 12 #include <algorithm>
 13 #include <map>
 14 #include <set>
 15 #include <ctime>
 16 #include <iomanip>
 17 using namespace std;
 18 typedef long long LL;
 19 typedef double DB;
 20 #define MIT (2147483647)
 21 #define INF (1000000001)
 22 #define MLL (1000000000000000001LL)
 23 #define sz(x) ((int) (x).size())
 24 #define clr(x, y) memset(x, y, sizeof(x))
 25 #define puf push_front
 26 #define pub push_back
 27 #define pof pop_front
 28 #define pob pop_back
 29 #define ft first
 30 #define sd second
 31 #define mk make_pair
 33 inline int Getint()
 34 {
 35     int Ret = 0;
 36     char Ch = ‘ ‘;
 37     bool Flag = 0;
 38     while(!(Ch >= ‘0‘ && Ch <= ‘9‘))
 39     {
 40         if(Ch == ‘-‘) Flag ^= 1;
 41         Ch = getchar();
 42     }
 43     while(Ch >= ‘0‘ && Ch <= ‘9‘)
 44     {
 45         Ret = Ret * 10 + Ch - ‘0‘;
 46         Ch = getchar();
 47     }
 48     return Flag ? -Ret : Ret;
 49 }
 51 const int N = 110;
 52 int n;
 53 int length[N];
 54 vector<unsigned int> feature[N];
 55 bool graph[N][N];
 56 queue<int> que;
 57 int dp[N], from[N], st, ed;
 59 inline unsigned int Get()
 60 {
 61     const static unsigned int fact[4] = {16777216, 65536, 256, 1};
 62     unsigned int ret = 0;
 63     for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 64     {
 65         int x = (unsigned int) Getint();
 66         ret += x * fact[i];
 67     }
 68     return ret;
 69 }
 71 inline void Input()
 72 {
 73     scanf("%d", &n);
 74     for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
 75     {
 76         scanf("%d", &length[i]);
 77         //cout << i << ": ";
 78         for(int j = 1; j <= length[i]; j++)
 79         {
 80             unsigned int x, y;
 81             x = Get();
 82             y = Get();
 83             feature[i].pub(x & y);
 84             //cout << (x & y) << ‘ ‘;
 85         }
 86         //cout << endl;
 87     }
 88     scanf("%d%d", &st, &ed);
 89 }
 91 inline bool find(int x, int y)
 92 {
 93     int len1 = sz(feature[x]), len2 = sz(feature[y]);
 94     for(int i = 0; i < len1; i++)
 95         for(int j = 0; j < len2; j++)
 96             if(feature[x][i] == feature[y][j])
 97                 return 1;
 98     return 0;
 99 }
101 inline void Solve()
102 {
103     for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
104         for(int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
105             if(i != j && find(i, j))
106                 graph[i][j] = 1;
108     for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
109         from[i] = 0, dp[i] = INF;
110     dp[st] = 0;
111     que.push(st);
112     while(sz(que))
113     {
114         int u = que.front();
115         que.pop();
116         for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
117             if(graph[u][i] && dp[i] > dp[u] + 1)
118             {
119                 dp[i] = dp[u] + 1;
120                 from[i] = u;
121                 que.push(i);
122             }
123     }
125     if(dp[ed] == INF) printf("No\n");
126     else
127     {
128         printf("Yes\n");
129         vector<int> ans;
130         for(int x = ed; x; x = from[x]) ans.pub(x);
131         int length = sz(ans);
132         for(int i = length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
133             printf("%d ", ans[i]);
134         printf("%d\n", ans[0]);
135     }
136 }
138 int main()
139 {
140     freopen("d.in", "r", stdin);
141     Input();
142     Solve();
143     return 0;
144 }

时间: 2024-10-21 02:18:37

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